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Forum slowed down?

Guest l28et

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Guest l28et

It seems like HybridZ has really slowed down. I come on and see the newest threads havn't been commented on for 8-9 hours. Persoanlly I've been spending time on other forums since we've lost a few memebers and such lately.


Whats the deal?

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I was wondering the same thing...I'll go on and comment on some threads, and come back later to see that I'm the last poster on like 4 or five of the threads on the home board...start to feel a little lonely. Seems like there are a few regulars that are on a lot, but the threads haven't been too exciting lately. What happened to the 20 page aerodynamic thread? that was pretty cool...I'm glad the twin cam l series popped back up, I was really interested in that too.. How about the home-made table top wind tunnel thread, did that thing ever get finished? Did the Darius240z ever get painted, I tried to bump it a while ago, but ?


Is anybody out there doing anything fun that they haven't thought to post pictures of? doesn't need to be a question or problem or anything, just some status updates would be cool.

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What I have noticed is posting varies pretty predicatably with time of day and day of the week. Monday morning (when people get back to work but still don't feel like working) is the busiest time for posts.


My guess is right now the board is vacant for the same reason my office is empty, vacations.

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hmm..the wind tunnel thread just sort of died when I found out that to have realistic air flow over a 1/25 scale model it would take like 1000+ mph air...

I have thought of using my pressure washer and placing it back a few feet and watching the water flow over the model...

Hybrid has slowed a bit but not too badly.

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There will be a pick up once all us newbies get a grip on what we want to do with our cars....i mean i would post more but the answers i need can be found with a search...or through a phone convo with other z members...anytime minutes:rolleyesg


Excellent response and two of the most prolific posters have sold their Z cars and for the most part moved on---- Tim240z and bastaad525. Between them they had almost 9,000 posts not counting the non tech forum. Older members move on and newer members need time to get up to "speed". That's how life is...



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