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911 at nurburgring


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WoW, Big Brass ones, indeed! Do you think the car was intentionally loose, or he just has the amazing reflexes and skills to drive the car to its limits in spite of the looseness? There were several instances where he was really pushing the envelope, and you never see any fear or back-down... just hit it harder on the next turn, if anything. That might be the most impressive run I have seen at Nurburgring.

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Hey Gang - That was the venerable and ultra famous Ruf CTR Yellowbird...if you remember it from the mid the late '80s it was one of the most powerful street cars $$$ could buy and you needed lots of $$$ for the price of membership.


Alois Ruf took the 3.3L single turbo (300hp and 310ft.lbs) of torque and dropped it into the smaller and lighter SC 911 cars (2250lbs), punched it out to a 3.4L then he added another turbo and twin intercoolers and (for the time) latest Bosch Fuel Injection...these cars made anywhere from 420-550hp.


I have the fortune of seat time in a similar car, and yes they are raw and brutallly amazing.


The driver did well as he was balancing that car at 10/10ths...some better pics...





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Either front is way too loose or his driving style is wrong. Smooth=fast and his steering inputs were far from smooth. He is driving gravel rally style not road course style. Carlos Sainz comes to mind. Do you know Carlos Sainz style?


Driving style "wrong"???? That would depend on his intention, surely?


And it was Walter Rohrl. Surely you have heard of Walter Rohrl? I don't think he needs any driving lessons from you............

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hey hey hey now chill out. I said it was either the driver or the car setup. Assuming he was not drunk, then the car was at fault. Unless his intention was to kill himself and others on the track his "style" may have been warranted to survive such a horribly setup car. Any other "drivers" chime in here?


This is what fast driving SHOULD look like.

GT2 at "The Ring"


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You still don't seem to be comprehending the nature and purpose of the video. Why are you automatically presuming that the main consideration in the car's setup, and the driver's intention, was to post the fastest possible lap time?


It was a promotion video intended to publicise Ruf. They had cameras dotted all over the 'Ring, and even a helicopter filming from above. Now ask yourself what style of driving would Rohrl choose for maximum effect in those circumstances?


A nice smooth lap with the fastest possible time wouldn't have been posted here all these years later now, would it?


Looks to me like his intention had the desired effect.......

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If you would rather see a nice smooth lap, I'd recommend taking a look at the video of Hans Stuck piloting the BMW M3 GTR around Nuremberg. It is spectacular!


I have the video (8 minutes) on my computer, but it is too big to host on my website. I've been looking for it online... This guy seems to have it on his myspace page, but I can only get audio, not the video... see if you can get it working.


Enjoy: http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=C1AC8EBC-1001-4FC2-A537-A0F446272FE7&p=9

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And it was Walter Rohrl. Surely you have heard of Walter Rohrl? I don't think he needs any driving lessons from you[/i']............



The driver of "YellowBird" in the Ruf video "Faszination" is actually Stefan Roser, AKA sideways Stefan.


Here is the full Ruf video:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7007840369175411712&q=ruf+yellow+bird


For those interested Ruf recently released a new version of the video called "Faszination Plus" A bit spendy at 99$ but it would make a cool gift for the Pcar fanatic.

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If you would rather see a nice smooth lap' date=' I'd recommend taking a look at the video of Hans Stuck piloting the BMW M3 GTR around Nuremberg. It is spectacular!


I have the video (8 minutes) on my computer, but it is too big to host on my website. I've been looking for it online... This guy seems to have it on his myspace page, but I can only get audio, not the video... see if you can get it working.


Enjoy: http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=C1AC8EBC-1001-4FC2-A537-A0F446272FE7&p=9[/quote']


boodlefoof, yes, that is an incredible drive I have seen that one before but the link is removed.


HS30-H, I guess comparing "good driving" to "hollywood" driving is pointless. Point taken.

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The driver of "YellowBird" in the Ruf video "Faszination" is actually Stefan Roser, AKA sideways Stefan.


I stand corrected.


I believe Rohrl was the driver in at least one of the early Ruf videos. I have the film on VHS here somewhere........


HS30-H, I guess comparing "good driving" to "hollywood" driving is pointless. Point taken.


With your quote right there, you made the point much better than I did. "Hollywood" driving is exactly what I reckon we should call it. Awesome skills nonetheless.



Alan T.

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Alan - Where the heck have you been? Glad to see you posting!! What new Z car adventures and mods have you been up to?


Hello Yasin ( waves ),


Well, I've not been anywhere in particular. Just a bit preoccupied maybe. Nothing Z related I'm afraid, but it might be of interest to you ( and it is in the same family.......... ).


Read about the new arrival here:





Alan T.

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