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Yet another Skyline on Ebay....1971 Hakosuka 2 door


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Damn Damn...



This is what I want right here and it's in Washington state. Why am I in Maryland.....? :(


I wonder what the reserve is.


Brian (AKWIKZ) do you know him?


They are sure coming out of the wood works for some reason...




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I used the ask seller a question link to invite him here to Hybridz so he could view my member's gallery so he could see I was a legitiment KGC10 owner as well. Hoiping to get more info from him as to who brought the car over and when. I had heard rumors from other GC10 owners that there were 2 in Wa state. This was of course the first I saw pictured. Brian (awkitz)sp? told me he was looking for $30,000. Nice car but not that nice. Granted they are rare here but they do not have a loyal enough following here to demand that kind of price. If I am wrong then mine will be going up on the block for a lot more than that.

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Uh! Intresting, i was watching the listing on my e-bay for a day or so. How did it get removed, was the car sold or something. Brain said that it was around 30K or he would sell for a obo, so meaning like 29K. The car wasnt in its best condition ever. It didnt look like it was profesionally repainted or restored. I think brians car is much better condition on its visually appealing and interior too.

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  hotimport said:
The car wasnt in its best condition ever. It didnt look like it was profesionally repainted or restored. I think brians car is much better condition on its visually appealing and interior too.




This is what I call a restored Skyline and for $25K I would pay that in a heart beat. Looking at it closer your right it's not as nice as Brian's.





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I defenatlly agree with you on that one. The thing is about buying such a car as a piece of art and Japanese heritage, is the restoration is alot of $$$$ and to find parts would be even more $$$$ on top of what you allready paying for it. Realisticlly speaking i would pay somewhere around 18-22K and i would want this car to be near perfect condition. I know that i might be dreaming but when i talk to the guys that imported Brians car they told me that somewhere around 20K would get you want I want. Anything under 18K would most likelly have rust spots that arent that bad but would need work. Which mean a new paint job and so on and so forth.

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He may have gotten an offer he liked. But yes, anything over $25k will need to be perfect. The cars you showed are a good example. A 3mil yen that is roughly $25k, then around $1500 for shipping and fees. Even though the first one is a four door, you can see that it is practiclly flawless. I can show you a few 2 doors for $30k that would make you wet your pants.


"I know that i might be dreaming but when i talk to the guys that imported Brians car they told me that somewhere around 20K would get you want I want. Anything under 18K would most likelly have rust spots that arent that bad but would need work. Which mean a new paint job and so on and so forth."


Just so evryone is clear, he is referring to Yasuhiro who sourced and bought my car for me in Japan. He had nothing to do with the actual importation of the car though. You are more or less on your own in that regard.



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