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People Asking For $$$ and Freebies

Guest Mike

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Yes... tis' true. And we all work for our $$$. And we're all putting our own $$$ into our Z's. And there is a lot of scamming going on over the internet.


Just my opinion/observation...

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chef's dad: "It was about time I realized that girl scout was 8 stories tall, and a monster from the tri-assic era! I said: Dammit Monsta! We work hard for our $3.50 around here, we're not just giving it away!"


chef's mom: "I gave 'em a dollar..."


chef's dad: "You gave him a dollar?! No wonder he keeps coming around here asking for tree fiddy!"

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SB... Negotiation is just everyday business. I'm talking about people constantly asking for hand-outs... freebies... something for nothing. This doesn't bother me at all when a person is working as hard as I am and they make sacrifices for their wants/needs like most of us do. However, it does perturb me when I see that they don't work as hard or make those sacrifices and ask us to do that for them. Maybe I shouldn't have brought this up.

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Between our economy being so crappy and people getting consistantly lazier. It almost makes sense that people ask for handouts, they do it online because people have come to rely on the internet, its too easy to get a message out, which feeds back into the lazy bit. Obviously I dont condone the activity. I wont say I've never asked for a handout, but If I did/do then its for a very good reason.

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I'd say one of the reasons is that people do it over the internet is the anonymity of it. It's not the same as having to come to somebody's face with your hat in your hand as just sitting here typing out a request for mike to send me some money in an envelope...PM me mike, so I can give you my address and you can send the money.

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some may say it's just a sign of our society, but it happens in the business world too. I'm always asking for better terms, discounts, longer repayment periods, and I give the same. It's just the way it is.



Gee, boobies on credit. I knew there was something I liked about you and your services.

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I'm observant :icon52: what can I say! Besides he's covertly advertizing the fact that he offers credit! I'll probably never make it big in the advertising agency world, but I think it's kind of catchy. Picture a billboard that says "__________ on credit" "No money down, big benefits, small monthly payments, results you can see" "Be the envy of the town" 1-800-tatas4less!

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Hi MAX... I have no issue with folks asking for help when they really need it and who have tried to work things out on their own. Who knows... that could happen to me someday? I hope not. It's when I see them partying every weekend or playing the lotto or whatever and still ask for freebies. Some of these folks could buy a new house with what they spend on these extras but ask for free rent anyway. These are the folks I'm talking about.


Like many here, I sacrifice in order to spend money on my car. An example is that I'm selling a ton of camera equipment soon, much of which I really want to keep, to fund the things I want to do to my Z. I simply cannot in good conscience ask others to sacrifice just so I can keep my large format camera gear. Fact is I can't really use it anymore anyway... so no real big loss, really.


Again, I'm not griping about those who truly need help... it's those who refuse to sacrifice in order to get what they want.

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DOC... Observant? Nah... you just can't stop thinking/fantasizing about BS' clients. I've seen billboards here in SATX similar to what you suggest, BTW. You need to travel a bit, Doc;)

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Hi MAX... I have no issue with folks asking for help when they really need it and who have tried to work things out on their own. Who knows... that could happen to me someday? I hope not. It's when I see them partying every weekend or playing the lotto or whatever and still ask for freebies. Some of these folks could buy a new house with what they spend on these extras but ask for free rent anyway. These are the folks I'm talking about.


Like many here, I sacrifice in order to spend money on my car. An example is that I'm selling a ton of camera equipment soon, much of which I really want to keep, to fund the things I want to do to my Z. I'm cannot in good conscience ask others to sacrifice just so I can keep my large format camera gear. Fact is I can't really use it anymore anyway... so no real big loss, really.


Again, I'm not griping about those who truly need help... it's those who refuse to sacrifice in order to get what they want.


IMO 100% of the folks here need help in one way or the other, be it knowledge, advice, money, parts source, etc, etc.


Money is not the cure all for cars either. There are some with unlimited funds and extensive knowledge that are slower than some with limited funds and not as extensive knowledge. :-D

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I consider the folks here at hybridz.org to be my extended family. The advice given here often times is not only technical, but also personal. Topics here can range from female troubles, law troubles, or just general life questions. Because of this and the time I've spent here (five years! WOW) I feel more than comfortable opening up with any issues I may be having, or giving advice to others. One of the things that family members and friends do for each other is help each other out, be it monetary, physically(labor) or emotionally.


Something that may have brought this topic up is the link in my signature to my paypal account. While I am indeed accepting donations, I certainly don't expect it, it would just be nice. The demands of my program leave me unable to work a part time job without sacrificing the quality of my work and it's the high quality of my work that has led me to my current industry connections and my acceptance into the study abroad program. This leaves me to live a rather frugal lifestyle off of my student loans and whatever I can take in selling used car parts on ebay, all the while trying to save up for my four to five months in Europe.


So, I thought why not, it couldnt hurt and even if I just recieved five dollars, every little bit helps. If in this process people here or elsewhere think or assume that I'm just lazy, or looking for handouts, well so be it. People are entitled to their opinion and I accept that. It is better to try every thing I can to make this trip happen with as little stress as possible, than to not. I've applied for every scholarship I can get my hands on but have not heard anything back yet....it makes me a little worried that I may have to take out yet another loan to cover some of my extra costs and leave me with enough of a monetary buffer to tap into should any unforeseeable circumstances arise when I'm there. I guess if thats what I have to do to make it happen than thats it, sign me up.


So, yeah...I get emails from people when I post stuff on craigslist asking if they can have it for free if it doesnt sell. or try to haggle a 15$ item down to 5$. lazy jerks!!! :lol:


well, hope everyone out there had a great thanksgiving. It was nice to get a day off. :)

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I dont ask for money. I put myself into this not having money situation no matter how anyone looks at it. I always believed everytime i want to ask for money theres probally someone out there who dont have the essentials they dont have food, a place to sleep etc. I would never ask anyone for money becuase i dont think they owe it to me in any respect

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