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Winter ice storm inthe midwest.... no bueno!!


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looks like the Minnesota is visiting us this year...

here are a few pics of the fun and meyhem that has Oklahoma in a tizzy.

ive lived several years in Oregon and am familiar with ice storms coming through the gorge but here in Muskogee....this is just not fun.

what happened was a cold front basically stalled on top of us and since it was just above freezing... the water would collect adn slowly freeze... then more moisture would collect and freeze... so on and so forth.. so you end up with just giant glublules of frozen water on everything.. weirdest thing i have ever seen.. the grass looks like those giant glass rocks you put in your fish tank. the problem was since all this ice formed trees and power lines started going.. it looks like a tornado struck the whole city.. limbs and trees everywhere.

i have some video that i took on my phone if enyone wants to see some video close ups of the grass and limbs.












NO thats not photoshopped.. thats an inch of inch thats formed on my z antanea.

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Yea we get those in Portland every few years.......a couple of years ago we got a foot of snow and a couple of inches of ice on top of it. It was interesting getting the snow / ice off my wife's car!!!! Hasn't got anywhere near as bad since, we've had some snow recently, but on the Gresham side it gets pretty icy still every winter.


If you're in it, be careful!!!!

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Well, Winter hasn't even started in New York. Usually the Z is barricaded in storage by this time. I took it grocery shopping today!


Global Warming is going to melt the ice caps and I will have beach front property at 400ft above sea level in my front yard.

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I have some crappy cell phone video up finally .. didnt have power at my house for a few days but this is them i think in order..

sorry for the quality. if you turn it up a little on the last one you can hear some limbs falling in the back ground.












and whats left oof the poor tree after it unloaded 3 more limbs on top of my house.

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had some actual photos developed and put on cd.. took longer than i thought because no stores had power.















That picture of the downthe street is pretty typical of all the side streets in Muskogee... as you can imagine it was a nitemare for a few days trying to get around and it wasnt even the tree limbs that were the problem, it was the power lines laying across the roads everyother street!!

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NOT missing that right now...loving me some South Texas instead of Illinois like my previous 23 winters!



I am from IL and this by far one of the most wormest winters i had here. It snowing today but not that bad maybe a could of inches but thats as bad as it gets unless we get a storm here that will bring about 5-8 inches then schools get canceled people cant get to work and its like a natural dissaster here.

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