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Anyone wan'a get into the guauge buisness


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I haven't seen too many dies, but I have a friend who was making them for a living for a while, and that's pretty much what they look like. He didn't use erasers, I think he set his cutters deeper into the wood and used the wood as the stop. He was getting big bucks for die making, I think it was $100/hr. Takes a smart person to figure out how to cut the cardboard to fold up into a box with tabs and little holders for different parts that go in the box. Not sure how smart you need to be to cut round dial faces...

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I haven't seen too many dies, but I have a friend who was making them for a living for a while, and that's pretty much what they look like. He didn't use erasers, I think he set his cutters deeper into the wood and used the wood as the stop. He was getting big bucks for die making, I think it was $100/hr. Takes a smart person to figure out how to cut the cardboard to fold up into a box with tabs and little holders for different parts that go in the box. Not sure how smart you need to be to cut round dial faces...


sometimes the planning of the box features are the designers job too, which makes it hard when you have to pay 100 an hour to someone for "testing" their first design, and second, and third.. (they try to get it wrong and charge you for it)

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