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*****custom Z Diecast Contest*****

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Hope you dont mind, but I got bored this afternoon waiting for, uh... stuff. I did a little customizing on one of my other jada cars. I detailed the wheels and added a nitrous bottle, trying to think of more mods..





Nice work, BAD pictures!

There`s a lot going on in the background and that takes away from the car itself. A white background is always the best for diecast model pictures!





When I took these pictures they came out yellow-ish...Although I used a lightbox. I fixed that using photoshop.


If you don`t know how to use photoshop, I will take care of the light for you without altering the model itself.


Here`s another example:



and this one:



And here`s a bad example.

Angle is good but resolution is very low and the picture is blurry. Background doesn`t work well either:



This one here could have been such a nice picture but the front of the car is kind of out of focus. When I took this picture, I was too close to the model and the camera did not focus on the entire model. The best thing to do is taking the picture from 2' away and zooming in.(that depends on your camera ofcourse):






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Dave, I know you took those pics in a hurry, it was obvious. I just used them as an example.


All contestants should take their time and not hurry taking pictures. Do your best.


How many of you think you can`t finish by the 30th? I can give you an extension if you need it. Let me know as soon as possible please.



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More than likely I'll be ok with the deadline. I got sidetracked turbocharging my actual car, but that's pretty much finished for now, so I should be able to get back to work. Hey Chewie, if you want a smooth, slightly reflective white background to make sure that you get even lighting, why not get a big posterboard and fold it into a right angle? Then you've got a white floor and back wall. Use a turned over desklamp or something instead of the camera flash to get less harsh lighting, and you should be pretty good. What do you think, Eric?

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You don`t have to go through all this. If you are unable to create a white background, then take your model outside but justmake sure there isn`t too much distraction (or your real car) in the background.


Here`s an example(no, it`s not a jada)This picture was taken in the afternoon in my backyard



Here`s one with little light and against black background:




And here`s the good news.

I`m giving you all a one week extension! But that`s it, no more...

Due date is now July 7th 2007 12 am (pst)

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Time`s up!


Only 4 submissions...:-(:sad::-(







Such a disappointment... But it`s ok...Maybe next time more people will participate.


4th place will get a 1/24 240Z...No need for the "most enthusiastic contestant award" this time...Everybody wins.


I will post submission pictures soon in a separate thread...

We will ask HybridZ members to vote for their favourite model.

We will ask them to simply post a message on the new thread stating which model they like.


I asked you guys to name your customs, only one of you did that...



Good luck to you all!



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Just viewed al the entries and I'd like to commend all the contestants for their efforts. It will be hard to choose a winner in this bunch, since each of you went at it from a whole different perspective... None of the cars is "similar" in appearance... Very Cool! :2thumbs:



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