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wangan midnight animated series

Guest Death69

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Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing and the OVA, and Wangan Midnight, of course. Also glad to see I'm not the only one that watches FLCL. If Vespa's were A.) EVER ridden by a pink haired broad carrying a two-stroke powered Rickenbacker bass around and B.) Did fuel altered burnouts, I'd actually have a tinsy, tiny bit of respect for them.

Speaking of vespas, in NC there's a vespa tuning club of sorts, that can tune vespas to do 85-100mph.

I sort of want an old school vespa so I can turbocharge it and bore it out. It'd be a pretty sick little thing wouldn't it? Complete with yellow paint an the P! logo from The Pillows

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I REALLY love this show now. It litterally brought a tear to my eye.

[spoiler warning highlight to read]

The Z is destroyed by all standards, yet Akio wants to fix it. He even said, "Even if it'll never run again, I still want to try and repair the Z"




Isn't this how all of us Z owners are? Everyone says it can't be done, it's not worth it, it's not worth anything. Yet we throw it all back at them "I don't care, I want to do it"


I had to explain that to my mom tonight. I told her that I was going to pull it out of the shop and rebuild the engine. She freaked out saying how once it's finally running I'll have put over 3000 dollars into it including the cost of the car, and that I should've used the money i've been using on my Z to buy a half decent car that doesn't need work. I told her, "It's worth it. Once it's fixed it'll be worth it all. You'll see"


The writer did a great job capturing the spirit of the Z owner.

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I REALLY love this show now. It litterally brought a tear to my eye.

[spoiler warning highlight to read]

The Z is destroyed by all standards, yet Akio wants to fix it. He even said, "Even if it'll never run again, I still want to try and repair the Z"




Isn't this how all of us Z owners are? Everyone says it can't be done, it's not worth it, it's not worth anything. Yet we throw it all back at them "I don't care, I want to do it"


I had to explain that to my mom tonight. I told her that I was going to pull it out of the shop and rebuild the engine. She freaked out saying how once it's finally running I'll have put over 3000 dollars into it including the cost of the car, and that I should've used the money i've been using on my Z to buy a half decent car that doesn't need work. I told her, "It's worth it. Once it's fixed it'll be worth it all. You'll see"


The writer did a great job capturing the spirit of the Z owner.


Thanks for he new sig... (see below)

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I suppose I'm raining on the parade here, but I feel compelled to say something...and probably draw some fire, but I've assumed that risk.


If the Z were to get wiped out beyond recognition, I think I'd just start over with another car. I wiped out my first car, a '68 Plymouth Fury which had won 3' tall trophies at large regional car shows, and I gutted it and sold off the carcass. I LOVED that car. Named it, even, after its first owner. I still have the original cancelled check that paid for it off the lot in 1969. The replacement was a '72 Fury pursuit. Loved that one, too. Put a CB and a period police radio in it, had the takedown and gumball lights, took many, many photos with it, did a little roleplaying with it. Gas finally got expensive enough to force me to look for a car that was simple, reliable, had a good support network, and most of all, got good gas mileage. Enter the Z. I kept both cars until the Fury threw the timing chain, and sold it to a collector that has probably since restored it and sold it on ebay for more than I could afford to pay for it. I had my fun with my Plymouths. I miss them, but I don't miss the gas mileage, and I outgrew a lot of the culture surrounding them.


I've poured a lot of time and effort into the Z and I love it, but it's just a machine. If it breaks, I'll fix it. If it gets destroyed, I'm going to replace it, hopefully with another one and cannibalize what I can. I'm not so emotionally attached to it that I'll sacrifice my own livelihood or sanity to keep it 'alive'.


Wangan Midnight's good for entertainment, but it bugs me the same way Initial D did. It's elevating a simple machine to some sort of godlike iconic status. The masses see it and assume every example of that machine must be just as amazing, when certainly not all Zs or AE86s have been built equally. Look at what you pay for AE86 parts now. Before Initial D came along, it was just another Corolla hatchback...it's a fairly boring car unless you modify the snot out of it(the Sprinter models withstanding of course, but you'd have to import one to have it here). S30 Zs are fun cars, but a stock or even modified example short of a serious motor swap and suspension rebuild is in a completely different universe than the one that's portrayed in WM. Yes, one was built for a live-action WM by Speed Shop Shinohara...and it's a cantankerous beast that I doubt most people could handle or put up with without copious amounts of money and patience.


To make a long story short(yeah, too late), I'm disenchanted by fanaticism and culture and I'm more interested in making a collection of parts do what it was meant to do, or do it better. WM is just good entertainment. I've got no illusions about trying somehow to replicate it. If my car gets destroyed, I'm going to find another one and attempt to learn what I did wrong so I don't do it again. There's a level of blind fanaticism I just can't connect with.

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I think its how rare they are in japan now (I think). Also stupidity and dedication come into play :P. Fixing dents is easier than fixing rust (to a point).


Plus its an anime. Fictional (story wise).

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Well, the car is somewhat of a legend in Wangan Midnight. In the show it's the most insanely tune car built by a guy known to build cars that kill people. It's a car with a lot of history behind it, and is known for outliving it's owners through crashes. a car like that isn't something you sell for scrap metal. There was someone that posted a link to a website that restored a rally car, that was so far gone that they ended up hacking the car into many peices to restore all the panels. it was a car so far gone that anyone in their right mind would've sold it for scrap and just built a replica. But they did a total restoration of it. It's sort of like that. A car with a long history transcends that of a normal machine.

Also, you're welcome for the new sig MJ ^_^

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