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1976-1977..whats the difference!?!?!


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Hellow again,


I read the many threads on the difference beween the different s30 models. But i noticed no one mentioned the difference between the 1976 L28(149hp) and the 1977 L28(170hp). The only reason nissan gave was "engine modifications", I wanna know exactly what the difference is. Since the head was the same it seems to me that the only change could be in somthin like the ECU. But I dont really know so i dont want to say anything that could be held against me later haha. But yea not really anything ergent just kinda wondering. Thanks in advance.



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But im almost positive there was a difference...they enlarged the bumpers in '77, they offered a 5 spd. overdrive AND "engine modifactions" raised HP to 170. Im pretty sure if you check, the original 280 was rated at 149hp.


I find that unlikely given that my 260Z has a tag rating it at 165 hp. There was a change at some point where HP measurements were changed to SAE net, but that would decrease all measurements, not just for one year.




- Greg -

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The engines are the same for the most part. The emmisions system was different, door latches and doors are different, hood has vents in 77, 49 state 76 has no catalytic converters or O2 sensors and no EGR but the 77 does, some pretty significant wiring is different, there are differences in the HVAC system, the bumpers are quite different, 77 has a spot welded "skirt" on the rear valence but the 76 has a "clean" rear valence, the rear hatch area is different inside, different spare tires....the actual horsepower of the engines is relatively the same.


The 76 is much more related to the 260Z bodywise.


...off the top of my head.



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you are reading an incorrect source; the "horsepower" numbers for the S30 line are confusing to say the least because most of them are rated with flywheel horsepower, not wheel horsepower. Modern vehicles are rated at the wheel; the 149 figure was probably a whp figure. My 75 280Z has 170 stamped on the engine bay VIN; you are simply tripping over a piece of misinformation regarding the relative horsepower figures. All 240s were rated the same, all 260s the same, and all 280s the same. N/A 280ZXs i believe were slightly different, but I am unsure in what direction (also unsure if they were still crank rated) but in reality, the motors are virtually identical and regarding potential, exactly identical. The motor most people build bears only passing resemblance to the motor that was in their car, in regards to specific heads, pistons, and even connecting rods and crankshafts they choose to install; this is how we get up to 3.1 liters.

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