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What are the common misnomers ppl use?


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Guest da-man (is not!)
Hmm what bugs me... so many choices...


People that think "it's" is possesive and "its" means "it is"...


People that write "your welcome" instead of "you're welcome"...


People that don't know the difference between "their", "they're" and "there".




- Greg -


you mean they'res a difference? And all this time I thought its just my choice. its a good thing your their to set me straight! :-)

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I drive good. :confused2


I keep a copy of this book nearby:

"Basic English revisited: A student handbook"



My English teacher waaaay back in HS made us buy it. It will answer just about any questions you have about proper use of the English language. It's very easy to use and quick to reference. It's invaluable, in my book.


Some of the most common topics:


It's vs Its

; vs ,

brother's vs brothers' vs brothers

Their vs There

good vs well

y vs ies



It also covers writing letter, essays, paragraphs, sentences.... It even makes a great coffe table book. Usually people pick it up and spend at least ten minutes laughing at how much they thought they knew, but didn't.

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Here’s a new one I’ve seen quite a bit lately that is starting to eat at me.


Calling the Air Flow Meter, (AFM), of an L-jetronic EFI system a MAF!!! The AFM does not measure the MASS of the air and is a completely different animal electronically, physically and what it actually measures compared to a MAF! One measures air volume, the other measure air mass. Not interchangeable physically, NOR in terminology!


5 years ago, you rarely ever heard anyone mix those two up in discussions or in their advertisements. My guess is that the newbs are hearing EFI terms tossed around, to them seems willy nilly, and they just assume all air sensors are MAF’s!

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