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I just got breathalized

24 oz

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I was on my way home from dropping off all my drunk friends and I was the DD for the night. I was driving pretty good, I'm not the best driver in the world but who is? There was a car behind me and when it got a little closer I noticed that it was a cop, but no big deal I'm driving the speed limit and I'm sober. Out of nowhere he pulls me over and when he gets to the window he tells me my registration is expired. He then goes and runs my license and comes back and asks if I've been drinking, of course I haven't been and he tells me it smells like alcohal in my truck. He then tells me to follow his finger and he then says hes going to get the breathalizer. I told him to go right ahead and at this point I'm beginning to laugh cause for some reason I found all this hilarious. I take the test and blow all zeros. The cop who was really nice the whole time tells me that when he had me follow his finger, that my eyes didn't follow smoothly like they should which made it seem like I had been drinking and that it really did smell in the truck. He told me that naturally my eyes probably don't as smooth as others, which makes it seem like I have alcohol in my system. He also told me that my cologne could of been the smell he was smelling. I'm pretty sure it was the smell of all my drunk friends still lingering around in my truck, but he doesn't need to know that. The cop was actually a really cool guy and I'm not sure if he was lying about my eyes and it smelling in my truck, but I have a feeling he wasn't. I just thought I would post this because I found that whole situation hilarious and I have no one else to tell because everyone is asleep.

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congrats on being a DD, that's always my job (rarely ever drink, like twice a year maybe). Also good job on the police too... better to be safe than sorry with drunk drivers IMO. Even better that he was a good guy about you not being drunk.



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one time my gf and i had gone to wendy's for some food late at night..i had a burger with some STRONG onions...we were in her dorm and fell asleep...around 3 i woke up and went home (twin beds are terribly uncomfortable)...my z had a taillight out and i got pulled over....the officer told me he smelled alcohol on my breath and that i needed to get out of the car....i told him he was smelling onions and not alcohol....he made me do the roadside sobreity test..needless to say i passed

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ive been pulled over like 3 times in the past year with the cops thinking im drunk when i come home from my gf's house because i go down the main street in town with all the bars.... i haven't drank in probably a year and half and i always blow a zero.. but the last time i thought it would be funny to say i had been drinking and to act kinda sloshed... it was a female cop and she was doing her best to act all macho when she only stood 5'2" and im 6'1" lol and she did the eye test and i made my eyes not fallow it all that well. and then she made me blow and i blew a zero. she looked at it.. thought it was broken or something and made me do it again. still blew a zero then i straightened up and told her i was joking around and i was ready for her to be pissed and she honestly laughed at it which i thought was really cool. she then proceeded to tell me to have a good night and let me go...

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I have expired tags and I new the cop was there he was behind me in the other lane. I felt pretty crappy yesterday and had a horrible headache so thats why I drove everyone, wasn't in the mood to get wasted and I owed some rides to my friends cause they drove me last weekend.

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I recently got clocked at 85 mph. The cop said he has not seen a 24oz flying the freeway in years. I popped the hood and showed him the l28et and mentioned I dropped a 5-speed in it. He was impressed and dropped my mph by 15, so I at least have no traffic school. That was pretty cool of him I suppose. :wink:

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I have done that quite often and they get surprised when I spend more time checking out their car instead of reading them the riot act about their driving skills.

But what they don't know is that I have already checked out their complete driving record and know they are usually pretty good on the roads.

Now those that have 2 or more pages of past tickets get surprised when they say they are usually a good driver and must not have paying attention.

I show them their records and tell them to get some ginko biloba or whatever that stuff is because their memory is going.


Priceless to see their jaw drop when they get got in a big fat lie....


The small things make us happy...

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I've been breathalized too. I doubt he smelt alcohol, cops lie and need a reason to test you. I don't drink at all and my wife hadn't had any that night but he was sure he smelt it just as sure as he was that I was speeding, even though I just passed him on the side of the road 1/4 back and new he was there with his buddies. I offered to take the breath test but he made me play his cordination game first, then after passing that (obviously) he decided to make me blow, then wrote me a BS speeding ticket that I later lost, as you can't prove that a cop is lying unless there is video.

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