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Just got me a Z31 turbo. need some help


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Wow, what a STEAL!!!! Diff in that is worth half the price. Geez. Some people sure get lucky... Congrats though.


I'm not sure what the missing part it, but I'll check my PDF Z31 FSM once I get a chance. Might be a while though.


So what are the plans? Drive the car as a dd? Mod it? Parts car/donor car?

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when i first got the car it ran somewhat. i drove it about 20 miles back to my house. the car start good but it ran real rough and jerky under light acceleration. and it lack alot of power. the car had been sitting about a year and it had bad gas in it. i change all the oils, put in new sparkplugs, wires, destributer cap and rotor, fuel filter, belts, flushed the radiator, and put some fuel system cleaner in the tank. after i did that the car ran much better but now it's real hard to get started and the motor wont idle when it's cold. but once it warms up it starts great for the rest of the day but it still dosen't idle perfectly. ANY ONE KNOW WHAT IT COULD BE. when i was putting the sparkplugs in i had to unscrew this part of my idle silinoid or whatever that thing's called that you adjust the idle on. i screwed it back up good and plugged it in. but i was wondering if that could have anything to do with the problem.


any why after i get that taken care of i'm planing on moding it up all go no show style. first i need some new stiffer shocks and spring because mine are shot. then i was thinking a sweet custom exhast with a highflow cat and muffiler. i can't diside between 2.5 or 3 inch pipes. and i'm also trying to find the right muffler i should use. anyone have any suggestions? i don't know what i'd do after that. mabye a boost controler because my turbo only giving me a couple pounds of boost. but it suppose to have 4.5 pound from the factory.

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It is normal for this plug to be unplugged in this pic...



I forget the procedure for setting the idle, but you may want to download a FSM from the web (I think Z31.com has one) to proplerly set the idle. You may also want to check your timing and check for codes on your ecu. There are two flashing led's on the ecu itself that flash the code number after you turn the screw back and forth. If you get any codes start by fixing those first.


I would recommend going with bilstien HD's, tociko illuminas or Koni adjustables for shocks. For springs I would go with http://www.Z31parts.com springs. I currenty am running the type 1 springs from there and illuminas. As for mufflers you may want to look into http://cmperformanceexhaust.com/. They make good stuff at reasonable prices.


You probably already know this but 88 Z31's came with a t-25 turbo and wont be good for much above 240whp. If you get a boost controller make sure you get a gauge, the factory ones do not read in psi and arent very accurate. IIRC the t-25 is ok to go up to 12 psi before it becomes a heater. With that much boost you will need an intercooler or means to get the intake air temps down.

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Nice car you've got their. I recently purchased two 88 Turbos for the same price as yours. I got really lucky with these.

Here's the first Z. It's a Shiro, my girlfriend bought it for me as a christmas present for $800. Interior is trashed and it needs new headgaskets.



Here's the second. Barely runs, has mangled wiring and sensors. The previous owner just replaced the headgaskets, but as soon as I got it home, water started dripping down both sides of the block. The interior is in pretty good shape on this one. I bought it for $300

Sorry it's a dark pic.



I'm parting out the black Z so if you need any parts send me an email at imnotstupid1490@hotmail.com



Also your definitely going to need a radiator shroud if you want to drive in the summer. Especially if you want to use AC.

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  • 1 month later...

i just got me some new mechanical gauges. boost and oil presure. when i hooked up my oil presure it was frighteningly low at idle. around 10 psi. when i'm on the gas it fluxuates from 20 to 60 psi. my owners manual says it should be between 30 and 60 psi during nomal driveing above 2000 rpm. the presure gose up to 30 at 2000 rpm but it can drop as low as 10 psi when idleing at 600 rpm. it might be because my oils a little too thin but i don't know. i checked for leaks in the presure line but i didn't find any. do yall think its ok?


this is how i hooked it up


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Your oil pressure is fine. Your idle seems a bit low.

I considered selling my XR4Ti to get another Z31T... that one, in particular, but obviously I didn't. There's another on Craigslist now for $3000 which I still think is a good deal.


By the way, that's a dirty install of those two gages. Either use the stock gages or pull your aftermarkets and put them in proper, son!

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I'm in Austin and I PM'd you. I really hope you and any passenger you may have had with you are okay. Yikes!


I'd be interested in coming to see the carnage some time this week.


Not that it matters now, but I came back into this thread and saw you asked why I said the gage install was "dirty." I just thought they should be mounted in the factory location. But I guess it is significantly easier to do a plate that way... and to be honest, I'd probably do that, too :D


I hope you're able to stay in Z land!

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Two boost gauges?


  Racinjitter said:
Ouch!!! As long as everyone is alright that is all that matters. I am sorry to see that your car is wrecked.


I think they meant to put the gauges in like this... All you needed for tools is a 10mm, a phillips screwdriver and a dremel.



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