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Water/Meth kit


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Big Phil inspired me to do more research into water/meth injection and I think I want it in my car as I explore higher boost levels this summer. I found this relatively affordable system....





BUT what the deal with this.....




Please tell me this isn't an online drug dealer hiding behind water/meth injection systems...call me Naive, but I am not up on drugs and stuff. :ugg:

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"Melanotan has been developed as a protection against sunburn and skin cancer. It delivers a tan without exposure to the sun. But tests have revealed powerful secondary effects, including weight loss and a surging libido."





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I just went out and got a meth kit too! Aem has an affordable kit as well as coolingmist, Devilsown, alkycontrol(razor) and im sure there are others. Some kits include jugs and some dont so watch out for that. some sell plastic quick connects and some sell plated metal, so pick which ever you prefer. Contollers seem to vary a little but all seem to do the same thing basically. If you have intentions of running high boost you could go with a 3 bar controller if not stick with the 2 bar. Personally i am running my system as a stand alone type with its own dedicated map sensor for reliability/ease of use so you may want to consider that into your cost. I liked the idea of an external nozzle so i went with a Devilsown nozzle.

My kit cosists of :

Devils own: Nozzle, pump, 2 bar controller

Cooling mist: line, quick fittings(metal), check valve, adapters, tank

misc: gm map sensor


I pieced my kit together and looking back on it i could of bought Razors kit for around the same price! make sure when you consider a kit to check all the parts that come with the kit or you may end spending more than buying a rtr kit.

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I agree with Evan as far as getting a progressive system. I like alkycontrol.com because its progressive and the components are better. All lines are braided steel instead of those small nylon lines I've seen on the snow kits. Also several companies I've seen use the SureFlo pumps but Julio(alkycontrol) takes them apart and rebuilds them using methanol safe seals etc. These pumps are designed for agricultual uses, i.e. water and the methanol can eat em up over time. just my .02

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Sounds good. Does anyone know if the Megasquirt internal MAP sensor can output MAP signal to one of these progressive meth kits? Or is it best to install another dedicated MAP sensor, as L280z did.


You can use an existing map sensor.


Fortunately, i can log 0-5v input on my laptop by way of my software so I used the map to log boost. Pretty sweet IMO.

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