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Any Star Craft fans here?


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I used to do nothing but play this game in...... middle school. Then freshman year in college I played for a couple months until my grades went down. Please be too expensive for me so my grades will stay up.


you could always drop out and move to Korea to play full time. There are players there that are millionaires just from being competitive star craft players. Fan clubs and everything.


Blizzard is currently hiring like crazy to launch a next-gen MMO. They won't announce what it is, even in the job postings....I wonder if they're going to announce World of Starcraft along with the release of Starcraft 2? I suppose there's always Diablo...I doubt they'd use a totally new intellectual property...maybe the Lost Vikings?

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you could always drop out and move to Korea to play full time. There are players there that are millionaires just from being competitive star craft players. Fan clubs and everything.


HAHAHA. Too bad I only have one more year left before I get my ME degree, otherwise I soo would.

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