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My best friend is a chemistry major wanting to get into a medical school. he's not doing all that well lol. i can probably narrow it down to two things. 1. he doesn't get it which i highly doubt since he's a smart guy. 2. DOTA! we both play wayyy too much. however, i'm a communication studies major so i can :mrgreen:

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I know a friend going through all the chemistry.... seems pretty hard. But I guess if its not something your doing it seems hard. Good luck with next semester!


Thanks. School goes by so quick anyways, I will be done before I know it.


My best friend is a chemistry major wanting to get into a medical school. he's not doing all that well lol. i can probably narrow it down to two things. 1. he doesn't get it which i highly doubt since he's a smart guy. 2. DOTA! we both play wayyy too much. however, i'm a communication studies major so i can :mrgreen:


Haha, yeah I know a few of those guys. My fiance just got into IU med in indianapolis, so it looks like I will be moving the z operations down here for a few years. Medical school is a bear, I started out as pred-med, but I realized that I don't want to cut people, don't want to give out penicillin perscriptions all day, and I like Biology/Botany alot more! Anyways, Im not so sure I would want to wait until 27-28 to have time for anything else in my life.

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Haha, yeah I know a few of those guys. My fiance just got into IU med in indianapolis, so it looks like I will be moving the z operations down here for a few years. Medical school is a bear, I started out as pred-med, but I realized that I don't want to cut people, don't want to give out penicillin perscriptions all day, and I like Biology/Botany alot more! Anyways, Im not so sure I would want to wait until 27-28 to have time for anything else in my life.


Yea, my thoughts exactly. 1. I couldn't cut people open either. 2. It takes a looong time to finally be finished with school! Sure you'll be making bank but you still have to pay off all those loans :wink:


Gl with the move and the Z! I know as soon as I get out of school I'm getting myself a Mk3 Supra for my dd and putting the Z into "project" mode :mrgreen:

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yup, I've discovered that I really don't want to be an EE.

Electrical Engineer?


If so, trust me, it is a lot better once you start working. I kept thinking "I should have done Civil" but I was already two years through and couldn't be bothered changing.


I learnt more in the first 6 months of working then I did in my four years of uni, and unlike the uni stuff the stuff I learnt at work all makes sense.


Just battle through the uni and when your out it will be a lot better.

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Yeah my lab physics class required graphs on some of the labs. Like 7-8. I didnt know how to use excel so I did them by hand, and a bunch of guys in the class put it in excel and printed off a set of nice graphs. They got bad grades on the lab since they copied eachothers but their idea was right... :)

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One of the first classes I had to take was "engineering graphing and computing", it was an excel and matlab course. We did it in office 03, they switched to 07 the next year and I can't find anything.


Electrical Engineer?


If so, trust me, it is a lot better once you start working. I kept thinking "I should have done Civil" but I was already two years through and couldn't be bothered changing.


I learnt more in the first 6 months of working then I did in my four years of uni, and unlike the uni stuff the stuff I learnt at work all makes sense.


Just battle through the uni and when your out it will be a lot better.


I'm a mechanical major, but I had to take a few electronics classes. Digital electronics wasn't bad, circuits was terrible. My prof. had this incredibly annoying way of introducing new concepts, he'd just start going through the math without giving a macroscopic view of what he was doing. I'd be wondering what he was doing and what it meant and that would distract me from how to do it. It was 2nd order RLC response that really got me on the final. I should check to see what I got, it can't be good.


Maybe I'll like it better next semester.....

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One of the first classes I had to take was "engineering graphing and computing", it was an excel and matlab course. We did it in office 03, they switched to 07 the next year and I can't find anything.




I'm a mechanical major, but I had to take a few electronics classes. Digital electronics wasn't bad, circuits was terrible. My prof. had this incredibly annoying way of introducing new concepts, he'd just start going through the math without giving a macroscopic view of what he was doing. I'd be wondering what he was doing and what it meant and that would distract me from how to do it. It was 2nd order RLC response that really got me on the final. I should check to see what I got, it can't be good.


Maybe I'll like it better next semester.....


So apparently I did well enough to get a C. :mrgreen:

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  • 8 months later...



I've got my first class at half eleven today.


Going to be a good semseter, hopefully this is my last year of Undergrad - I'm getting a Degree in Geography - Remote Sensing/GIS


Human Geography [Freshmen class >_<]


Remote Sensing


French Intermediate II [Going to kick my arse, but last foreign language class EVARR]


Good luck everybody!!

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I'm back in school finally after having dropped out twice now, I'm tired of hitting the "glass ceiling" of not having a degree. That and I'm married now, its not just me goofing off to pay the penalties of said goofing off. Good luck to everyone, get them Degrees :D !

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I have to say that this summer has felt like the shortest summer ever, mainly due to the fact that it rained up here for more than 50% of it. I have been out since May 5th and it has not felt as long as it should.:cry2:


I didn't finish my Z in time before school. Now I'm going to have to wait for the weekends, and Saturdays are tied up at the Stadium.


I just need one more month of vacation!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I didn't finish my Z in time before school. Now I'm going to have to wait for the weekends, and Saturdays are tied up at the Stadium.


I just need one more month of vacation!!


Same here, hopefully Ill get some work in at some point. :(


Anyways, just finished my first day a Gonzaga University. Im taking Statics, Multi-Var Calc, Mech. Eng. Design, Chem 101, Phil 201 and an eng. lecture class. It will be a fun semester and Im sure next will be even better.... :)


Good luck everyone! Now Im off to study.

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Diff EQ- Did I mention there is no hw, no final, I can return my $220 textbook, and he drops the lowest text grade. The prof. also seems to be on drugs because he often giggles/laughes like a maniac and when a lawnmower goes by, he stops the lecture and watches it until it leaves his sight.

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Ugh, im 3 days into my sophmore year at the local community college. work load is'nt that bad. I have cal and physics on mon, wed, fri. And econ and computer sience on tue, thurs. Hopefuly if all goes well this semester and next, ill be transfering to U.T. fall next year. :)

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Ahh... Two days in and my junior year isn't too bad.

Microbiology & Lab

Orgo Lab

Statistics II

Greek Philosophy & Composition (ew.)



Hopefully the MCAT's wont completely occupy my life, though I fear they will. But alas, I've accepted the fact I will have no friends until I'm hitting the strides of graying hair.

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