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Pos. camber and toe in after bushing replacement

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I use the offset aluminum/nylon camber bushings with the stock suspension lowered 1". I set them to max negative camber. Make a mark on them in the fully extended position so it's easier to see before you assemble everything tightly. Fully extended, they will give you just enough negative camber with the stock suspension for spirited street driving, without giving you strange tire wear. If you are building a track car, they don't have enough adjustment to be useful. On the street, I feel they have made an improvement in tire wear and handling.

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On my 71 240: Replaced the rear control arm bushings with msa polyurethane and now have pos camber and toe in. What is the best approach? Adjustible bushings or performance camber Kit?


DandyZ: Ran into the same situation after installing shortened rear struts. Am using MSA adjustable rear inboard aluminum ADJUSTABLE bushings. Need to readjust them again. These adjustable bushings (you need to purchase the wrenches also) are manufactured as adjustable eccentrics. It appears that the front bushings need to be adjusted all the way outward and the rears almost all the way inboard in order to reduce positive camber and put toe-in to its smallest value. Requires purchasing the adjustable bushings and 2 each wrenches for same.

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