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How is the Economy affecting your Hybrid Project?


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well i guess this is a good time to say that if anyone needs their car to be held in safe keeping under someone elses name and ownership, I may be willing to buy. LOL


hey, keep it within the family! AIIIIIIIIIIGHT?!




j/k. I'm sure everyone will be fine, as long as some proper planning is set in place and short term goals are realistic.

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After loosing my job of 14yrs back in late April(4 days before my birthday) and not finding work until July, it hit hard. I had to cash out retirement to try and save the house, with no success. Dropped another grand to stop foreclosure, with not success. Lost it at the start of Sept.(8 years of equity gone) and with everything in a large storage unit, including the project car, I actually have more room but less time to work on it. I'm working again and even though I'm making $4.25 less an hour I'm still making more money due to the extra hours and side jobs. This is good because I don't have time to think about all the hardship. Now, if I could only find a place to live for less than $1100 a month that isn't in "South side" I'll be doing good. Sad, considering I was paying close to $1000 monthly for my 3-2-2.

Everything happens for a reason and the Z has been waiting to be finished for over 2 years now and it may take me another year to get it running again, but atleast I know I still have "her" after 10 some odd years(maybe more). I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm just not sure how long the tunnel is.

I lost the house, but not my passion for life!

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I have been sacrificing spending just for things the house needs and I've been doing that for 10 years while trying to just make some progress on my Z. Currently I am not spending money on unnecessary items, like beer :( (ok, just a little), but I am trying to make sure that what we do spend goes to the right places in the right amounts. I'd love $30,000 right now, to just get the whole house done and then some. I could finally devote money to the Z and get the car finished....



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My personal economy is good, but I work in the automotive industry in a truck plant so times are a little uncertain right now. I have cutback buying parts and modding for a time just to be cautious. If/when things get better then I will have the funds put back into my project cars. Till then I just do a lot of stuff myself and am learning how to do a lot more things cheaply than before.

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I've always been a very cautious spender, researching as much as I can, about both the product, and where the best price is. I also change my mind a lot, and I want to make sure that what I purchase will go with my plans.


That said, I haven't really bought a whole lot for my track car yet. A lot of it has been waiting for fabrication. But after I get the frame rails, and roll cage in, it will be a lot on wheels/tires/suspension/brakes/gauges..etc.etc.etc.

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My personal economy is good, but I work in the automotive industry in a truck plant so times are a little uncertain right now. I have cutback buying parts and modding for a time just to be cautious. If/when things get better then I will have the funds put back into my project cars. Till then I just do a lot of stuff myself and am learning how to do a lot more things cheaply than before.


Just saw on the news that sales are down 30% (since last year) for most of the car manufacturers, and theirs been half the salesroom traffic.

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I do side jobs to pay for upgrades on my car.

If I have no side jobs then the car will maintain present status.

I've always made sure that I have everything needed when going into the next upgrade so that I'm not stuck without a car for awhile. The side jobs still come poring in and mostly because people look for someone they can trust to do the work right and not leave them hanging. The economy hasn't stopped people from asking me to do work for them yet. I'd say, learn some other skills that you can used to bolster your income. Like painting, roofing, home repair, etc.

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For me the economy may be down, but thankfully the search for oil is up. Since I do contract work to various oil companies I haven't had a break in about 5 years (I did IT work before I got into this). Oil pays well so my project is moving ahead, I'm still aiming to have my car completed before christmas. However with the upcoming presidental election and one of the candidates proposing a tax increase for my bracket (I belive they said up to 40%) my spending could slow down alot.



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Just saw on the news that sales are down 30% (since last year) for most of the car manufacturers, and theirs been half the salesroom traffic.


My company is down 38% from last year. It is a little scary to say the least. At one point we had over a years worth of inventory sitting on the grounds at the plant. IT will all pass, it always does but until then we will just have to keep on keeping on.

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