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IM SO EXCITED!!!!!1111!eleven!


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Well, when I was approved the rate for a 30 year fixed mortgage was 5.875%.


During the 5 months I was looking, I noticed the rates went up to 6.4%.


Then when I found out I got an accepted offer, the rate was back down to 5.875%. Then two days later its at 6.2%, and now its at 6.4%.


Geez. I'm going to wait it out and see if it will go back down, I have until the 30th to close.


WOW that is great rate FIXED 5.875 % for 30 years! here for a 25 year mortage its just 5 years fixed at 7,20 % then you can refix it for the rate at that momment or let it go year to year and so on and so on !

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here for a 25 year mortage its just 5 years fixed at 7,20 % then you can refix it for the rate at that momment or let it go year to year and so on and so on !

That in the states is what is referred to as an Adjustable Rate Mortgage. You may have heard about them in the news over the past few weeks. :wink: No fixed rates in Canadia, eh? Or are you not qualifying for them?

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Well you can get fixed but they are around 1 to 1,5 % higher from the get go I think of it as a gamble you can have years with a way low rates or if the market gets better you can get stuck with high rate ... their is always a way to renegotiate but ill check what i can have when i get to the bank ill have some lever on the interest rate since ill have cash its getting me very anxious im starting construction in the spring of 09 .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats!! A house is the most important material aquisition you will ever make!


I hope the interest rates come down, they should.


Part of new home ownership is TP and locking yourself out a few times.


So is the garage really a 3 1/2? , as it looks wide.


Great place.



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Fixed is the only way to go. You can always re-mortage to a new fixed rate if they go down.

It will cost you some up front, but it is soooo worth it in the life of the loan.

The fed may ajust the prime interest rate to 0% WOW! If the banks follow there rate to you may go as low as 5%.

A point different could mean 10's of thousands of dollars based on the loan size and longevity. Check it out and do it if this happens, probley won't see that low again in 10-20 years. (contignent on a few things.)

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Okay, a few more firsts..


I gave out candy..


A tree in the front yard got TP'ed..


And I just locked myself out of the house for the first time... dang..


Aw man, this was my first year to hand out candy as well! Congratulations.


As for the lockout? I hide a brick under the door mat for just this scenario LOL.



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I got locked in at 6%, and if I would have waited 1 day it would have been 5.875. And then after that it started going back up, it is currently at 6.625, so I did get in at a pretty good time.



It was appraised, and written as a 3.5 car garage, and a 5 car driveway, but me and my friends agree that we could fit 9 cars and 4 motorcycles in the driveway.


Congrats!! A house is the most important material aquisition you will ever make!


I hope the interest rates come down, they should.


Part of new home ownership is TP and locking yourself out a few times.


So is the garage really a 3 1/2? , as it looks wide.


Great place.



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