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Emergency: Jeff (Jeffer949) is Stranded in Valdosta, GA


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Jeff is stranded in Valdosta on his way Back to Daytona. His car died and needs some assistance. Anyone in the area or close w/ a Megasquirt Map? He was looking for Gabes number. Water was spilled on his laptop and it is toast.


Any assitance anyone could provide in the area would be great.


Here is his cell 615-294-2619


Thanks HybridZ!

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There's nothing I can physically do, but I can empathize, I've been in that situation before, stranded on teh side of the road with no way of getting going again. It's a helpless feeling.


I'm sure everything will turn out.


I wish there was more that I could do, but sit by and wait for the story of how this worked out.



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Well i made it back. I was farther along than i thought. I was actually a few miles cross the border in FL. Well my friend grabbed his gf's laptop which luckly I installed all the MS software a few weeks ago awaiting his MS install on his RX7. And also Luckly my sister was able to find my flash drive that had a few old maps on it from way back when i was running my stock set up. So she e-mailed the MSQ's to my friend and he down loaded them and took off. It was a about a 2.5hour drive. and he showed up and of course my usb-db9 cable didnt have the drivers installed. So then we have to go drive around and find a place with internet so i can DL the drivers onto his PC. found one hotel that had wireless but it wasnt working somewhere. Finally went to a Flying J and had to pay 5 bucks to get on the internet. Once that was sorted out we went back to my car. I realized he didnt have 29v only the 29v4 INI files so i have to load my 29v file onto the 29v4 format and hope that it worked. I then had to go change about a dozen things and get her running have way decent and i figure ill datelog and use megalog viewer on the road. Well come to find out that Her computer is so out of date that there isnt any java on it or something and megalogviewer wont open. What a pain this is becoming. Have you ever tried to tune a map purely by using the shift up and down feature. It takes forever but I got it to where i could cruise at 78 at 15.5afr.


Oh and for what happend to my laptop. It was sitting on the passanger floor board and i had a cooler in front of it. A little softsided one with some ice and pepsi's. Well some how it sprung a leak and soaked my laptop. I took my whole laptop apart on the side of the interstate in the hatch of my car trying to dry it out enough but it wouldnt turn on when I put it back together.


So I left nashville at 10am and should of arived here at around 9pm well its 5:30am and im just getting home. Geez i hope everyone else has had a better day than i have

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My friends truck that had the similar type of resetting issues did not change with a new MS box. It only changed with a new relay board. Not sure if you will see the same thing. It would be nice if you could borrow another MS unit to try before buying one.



I'm also going to suggest going over the grounding and even go as far as re-soldering the points in the MS and relay board. An intermittant connection somewhere can really play havok with electronics. Just re-soldering board connections can fix problems in many electronic devices it seems.

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