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Teen Insurance On A 240z

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I have been searching the forums and could not find any so I thought I should ask? With either a project z coming soon or an already restored z soon as my first car I have a question. How is insurance with it being a 2 door and 2 seater makes me wonder if that counters the age of the car which normally keeps insurance lower? Just wondering as a 240z has been my dream car for the last couple years and parents are liking the price range as they don't want me to spend all the money I have earned working:rolleyesg Any help or predictions would be nice, I live in WA and have drivers ed under my belt, no tickets or anything like that.

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I also live in WA and the datsun isnt considered a high performance car. But that doesnt make it cheap. My insurance as a 16/17 year old is outrageous.. for a rav4.
I think my insurance is $1700 a year for a 2000 Audi A4 1.8TQ 5spd. I kinda wish I had a 1990 Honda civic or something instead. Or maybe a 240z...
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when i got my first car when i was 16 (a 280zx) 2 door 2 seater t-tops it was only 86 a month i think....for liability and uninsured motorist on my dads plan....but when i got insurance on it by myself when i was 17...i had my 1998 cbr 600 and my 280zx through state farm it was 48 for full coverage on the car and 24 for full coverage on the bike(you get a big discount if you get insurance for a second vehicle) and thats with a perfect record and no tickets

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Looking back on my first car and how I did things, I should have got a dirt cheap, economical, easy to insure beater to begin with / learn with, and then saved up to something I *really* wanted, something that needed far less work and was in much better condition.


I bought a project car instead, and while insurance was cheap, the learning process wasn't. Poor maintenance, accidents and hotheaded driving took their toll, and that car only lasted 3 years before it was a wreck. I couldn't put the car down to work on it because I was driving it all the time.


I know this is unsolicited advice and probably something a teen looking for something 'cool' as their first car doesn't want to hear, but believe me when I say you'll be thankful later.


Use a more practical car to get some experience under your belt while you look for / save up / work on the car you REALLY want. It'll be cheaper and faster in the long run. Find a car that's inexpensive to buy, good on gas, durable and inexpensive to insure while the gem's at home to get worked on and built up for the day that insurance is affordable, the project's completed, and all the guess work of learning good maintenance is out of the way.


It'll keep the parents happy, as well.

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I will not get my own car til a year or so after I turn 16 (legal age here)as my brother is 2 years older and we will be sharing a toyota pickup until he leaves the house. Though a project is highly possible (just wondering as I have things I would like but whether or not it is reasonable atleast now is my reason for asking, I will ask our agent though just to make sure.)

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id say 400ish every 6 months so 800 a year thats if you pay every 6 months...but fyi if you do it by every month it will be a lot higher like 75-100 a month


Where did you get those numbers from? Are you considering hes a 16 year old? Is that full coverage? Just liability? Good student discount? Those numbers are very low for full coverage.

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I have heard an average 16 to about 21 year old is around 1600 a year on average. I guess I will expect these numbers and see what is quoted. I guess now I see how it hits people hard being that is more than half my paycheck a month if it were monthly lol

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take cpt. furious' advice seriously. I went the way that he is advocating, and am VERY happy I did.


Money and time can run short, and a reliable dd is !really! important.


If the z breaks and you're broke and short on time, you'll really be in a bind. At least if you want to keep a job.

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The Datsun 240Z is so old that insurers don't care (or know) that it's a sports car. I insured mine through GEICO for a few months last year and the insurance payment was exactly the same through them as it was for my '92 Jeep Cherokee.


One other insurance pricing factor that hasn't been named yet is geographic location. Depending on where you live, your quoted price will be different. My insurance is much cheaper here in Southern Utah compared to when I lived in Phoenix. That, combined with the other variables already mentioned here will make it impossible for any of us to give you a ballpark figure for your insurance price.


The last time I was shopping for insurance for my Z, I couldn't qualify for specialty vehicle insurance, so I simply called all of the major insurance companies for quotes. Make sure you have your info handy including social security number and all. I had quotes ranging from $1,100 every 6 months (more than I paid for the car) to $314 every six months, all for liability only coverage. Guess which one I went for.

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