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To cold for 30 year old glass


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"What's more chicken@#!% than $*&%ing with a man's automobile? I mean, don't $*&% with another man's vehicle." - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction


I was driving through my neighborhood about a week ago when I heard what sounded like a bullet hitting the bodywork of my car. *TUNK* I got the hell out of there. When I got far enough away, I pulled into a parking lot and had a good look at the passenger side of the car.


I couldn't find anything until I looked at the chrome trim along the bottom of the passenger window, and there was a nice big dent with what looked like a little pulverized rock and dirt in it.


Nobody had been on the street or lawns out in front of the apartment complex I was passing, but there people on balconies as I passed by. I'm willing to bet that someone was trying out their new wrist rocket.


1/2" higher and they would have taken out my window and possibly even hit me.


MJ, be thankful all they got was the glass. Would have been worth them doing it if you caught 'em in the act, though. Those who arbitrarily damage others' property are the worst sort of coward.

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I couldn't find anything until I looked at the chrome trim along the bottom of the passenger window, and there was a nice big dent with what looked like a little pulverized rock and dirt in it.


Nobody had been on the street or lawns out in front of the apartment complex I was passing, but there people on balconies as I passed by. I'm willing to bet that someone was trying out their new wrist rocket.


1/2" higher and they would have taken out my window and possibly even hit me.

Sounds familiar. When I was maybe 3 or 4 years old, we were driving to PA, and some kids on an overpass or something threw a good sized rock at our car. It hit about 4-6" below the rear passenger window, where I was sitting. The dent is still there too.
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In Oz it has been made law that throwing ANYTHING at a car is a very serious offence, even if its something trivial like a tennis ball.

Its all due to idiots throwing rocks and bricks into oncoming cars from overpasses.

several people have been killed in the process.


I have had a beer bottle thrown at a car i was in, fortunately? it was a convertible, and it passed straight through the car.

It did however just miss the head of one of the passengers.

not a fun experience.

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I hear "Fish" aren't "Fish" in the land of Oz any longer. I hear they are "Water Kittens" and that "Fishing" is now "Water Kitten Hunting"...


Firing a gun from a motor vehicle is a felony in most places nowadays.


My my, how times have changed!

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