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How does one get the girlfriend in the loud "scary" Z car...?


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lol, loving the redhead comments.


but yea, if she's going to the be the type to try and 'conform' you to her mould, walk away.

particularly coming into college.

remember, college is a time to do drugs, drink lots of alcohol, and have sex with girls that in 20 years time you'll have to pay lots of money for :lmao:

(please dont to the drugs bit)


as a more sensible suggestion though, why not take her to a carshow where you know some nice zed's will be, so she can see how cool your car will look once its done.

worked with my missus :-D

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Ive been telling my current girlfriend that the Z came before her when she asks why I spend so much time on it :)


Its funny you should bring this up, I dont usually talk 'car' to my girlfriend, but last night I sent her some pictures of the car with new wheels after she asked to see it. She said they looked way better, but she thought my airdam MADE THE CAR LOOK UGLY!!! And I've been dating this girl for over a year and a half!


I contemplated breaking up with her at that point... but after cooling down a bit just realized that she had bad taste in cars. [she said the stock 240z looks better :( ]


My advice, just roll with the punches, and like the 'older' guys are saying, you're young, if it becomes a big enough issue, there are more fish in the sea. :)

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Her not wanting to ride in my car isn't a problem that we would fight over. Its just a silly thing that I wish she could get over because Mom's car isn't going to be the thing I drive when we are together all the time!


I've been wanting to go hangout with the Z guys up here in North Texas. When I got my V07 crank from Pete he said I should hang out with the dudes sometime and see what its like. This is the spot where I say "and I could bring the girlfriend too" WRONG. I have a feeling Big-Phil would scare her away.:D


She will just have to get over it. The only thing I shall hide from her is the total amount I have spent on that car. $900 right now, $150 ticket, $140 spent in 2 weeks from being with her :banghead: (its ok it built us up as a couple so it was worth it), rest is paint/body/ignition/exhaust for the car. I think the car is my hobby so its like yah I spend all my money on it, either that or a computer which keeps me inside all day playing games. As long as the car doesn't break down with horrible luck like on a cold rainy day out in the middle of nowhere, she will be fine. Its realiable for the most part! Some sort of ignition issue that makes it miss after 3500RPM but hey! EDIS-6!


It'll be a fun project!


And YES! RED HAIR! I was worried at first that she might be into some weird kinky stuff or that she might kill me in my sleep. Well... she hasn't yet...:icon55: First red head that I've ever dated.



I don't do kinky, ma'am:


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You already hiding stuff.

Don't be a twit. Be honest and yourself. You are young and might have many gf's before you get married.


Be upfront, not "in your face" but upfront.

Like, how well you have budgeted and saved doing all this work yourself.


"twit" might seem strong, but what do you fear, you have known her for 2 weeks? Don't fear women, just respect them.


Besides women are nesters and need to know how you carry yourself fiscally. Its only fair to her.

Note; Money is in the top 3 for divorce.


2nd note: remember you just told countless folk's your money situation, not to mention your build thread. Why us, and not someone you "care" about?


I know you got a pair, crap, your car has bigger balls then mine!!

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BTW, start screaming at the top of your lungs when you, err... at/near that special moment. She just may learn to like it "loud".:flamedevi



You already hiding stuff.

Don't be a twit. Be honest and yourself. You are young and might have many gf's before you get married.


Be upfront, not "in your face" but upfront.

Like, how well you have budgeted and saved doing all this work yourself.


"twit" might seem strong, but what do you fear, you have known her for 2 weeks? Don't fear women, just respect them.


Besides women are nesters and need to know how you carry yourself fiscally. Its only fair to her.

Note; Money is in the top 3 for divorce.


2nd note: remember you just told countless folk's your money situation, not to mention your build thread. Why us, and not someone you "care" about?


I know you got a pair, crap, your car has bigger balls then mine!!

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You already hiding stuff.

Don't be a twit. Be honest and yourself. You are young and might have many gf's before you get married.


Be upfront, not "in your face" but upfront.

Like, how well you have budgeted and saved doing all this work yourself.


"twit" might seem strong, but what do you fear, you have known her for 2 weeks? Don't fear women, just respect them.


Besides women are nesters and need to know how you carry yourself fiscally. Its only fair to her.

Note; Money is in the top 3 for divorce.


2nd note: remember you just told countless folk's your money situation, not to mention your build thread. Why us, and not someone you "care" about?


I know you got a pair, crap, your car has bigger balls then mine!!


Well if its anything like the last girl, where I had no money because I needed a motor so if she wanted to go out she had to pay (never liked that but I told her before I dived in it would be rough), then I think she would have a problem with me dropping more money on a car than on her. She doesn't care though. We went bowling and I see couples splitting the cost and I know she gets a little bit of money from her parents to have fun so I'm saying split the cost now. I can't last much longer with $140 leaving me every 2 weeks. The guy who I'm prepping his race cars for is poor yet Dad has me putting hours into it so I said no more to that if he can't pay. Seems kind of obvious! However after seeing my motor and hearing things from Dad I now have a customer with an L20B who wants a hot street motor and he said he'll pay $3500 so there is more to come! As long as I have a good rebound I don't mind dropping a lot of money every once and a while. I think she already knows I dump a lot into the car by seeing the motor and all my spare parts and books... Coming out to be around $7-8k for the entire car after paint. Still doing well. I won't be a butthole though and deprive her. We had a nice winter break and Valentines Day is coming up. I'd like to go to a formal dinner sort of thing so start saving now!



Oh by the way, stay tuned on my stroker thread or maybe I'll make another one. Dad got me a dyno day for my birthday/christmas present. :flamedevi

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I think I got what you are saying for the most part.


Look, you are furthering yourself and abilities to provide for a family. Any good wife would think that is respectable and honorable (within limits)!

If that is not good enough her, you may have to consider that your work in her eyes is taking away from her time, yet that is how you provide for a woman/wife.


This dichotomy is very common in females today, oddly they can't see it.


NOT all young females, though it seems like alot today. I do feel sorry for the younger generations now.


At least you guys get the big fake boobs and easy women, Just be damn careful of pregnancy, disease and who you marry.

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Already had a pregnancy scare last year... Turned out to be messed up cycles. The only reason why I'm trying to take things seriously is that I easily did a year and a half with the last girl. I could have gone longer if things didn't get messed up. With college coming soon and a good chance we will be together there too, I need to be good because this may indeed last long... Like years and years... >_>


And no fake boobs needed! D cups! :0! hah! Don't you make a comment on that either Woldson... :P

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Oh, man...redheads are trouble, friend.


lol tell me about it.




my last girl loved the datsun and still asks how "shes" doing and wanted to help me put the L28et together, has looks to mach and exceed the awesomeness too.


so not all girls think your cars crapy if its not painted and its loud.

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If your actually going to go to college to actually work hard Id consider holding off. If this truly will last "years and years" shell be around later. So youve only known her for 2 weeks?


I've known her for a year or 2. Dating for 2 months.

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I've known her for a year or 2. Dating for 2 months.


things can change quickly, especially when you bring collage and that time of your life into play, even if its been days, months, or years. dont carry all your eggs in one basket kind of thing ;)



;) i had a fiance and the Z and am in collage, guess which ones not around anymore.

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I married a redhead. I met her just as I finished the basic turbo setup on my zed in Australia. I thought it was odd when I drove her to Uni that she always gripped the door handle with much enthusiasm as soon as boost came on. It wasn't much, 5psi through a piece of ♥♥♥♥ exhaust. The extent of her complaint was: ``It scares me when you drive so fast.''


One morning heading off to the drags my car wouldn't start (flat battery was always dodgey). So I start walking up and down the street looking for someone to con into giving me a jump. I found someone, they drive down, and shes out there, at 6am, in the freezing cold with three hot cups of tea for us all.


I think it was around that time I realized she was special.


There are a lot of women in the world, and geographical proximity and familiarity only plays as much of a role in selecting your life partner as you let it. I think the fact that you started this thread is pretty indicative that shes not for you.



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I married a redhead. I met her just as I finished the basic turbo setup on my zed in Australia. I thought it was odd when I drove her to Uni that she always gripped the door handle with much enthusiasm as soon as boost came on. It wasn't much, 5psi through a piece of ♥♥♥♥ exhaust. The extent of her complaint was: ``It scares me when you drive so fast.''


One morning heading off to the drags my car wouldn't start (flat battery was always dodgey). So I start walking up and down the street looking for someone to con into giving me a jump. I found someone, they drive down, and shes out there, at 6am, in the freezing cold with three hot cups of tea for us all.


I think it was around that time I realized she was special.








There are a lot of women in the world, and geographical proximity and familiarity only plays as much of a role in selecting your life partner as you let it. I think the fact that you started this thread is pretty indicative that shes not for you.






That is it.


Most never find such compassion.

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