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How does one get the girlfriend in the loud "scary" Z car...?


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Have you tried just punching it and going really fast? lmao

one of my (girl) friends hated my old bug because it seemed so ratty, till I took a different road that was VERY twisty, and punched it through the fun section. the car itself didn't have much power at all, but it handled like a go-kart. she stopped disliking my car after that lmao

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Well today she did show some interest in the How to Mod your Nissan Motor book. >_> Now I'm facing some discouraging news... I was messing with the Z calc. and entered in all my specs, then got to the head gasket. Now I remember that it was giving me 10:1's for compression but in order for that to work on my setup I would need a .2mm head gasket, which I remember was being advertised by Courtesy Nissan (bought the metal one from them)... Well I went back to check and all they have is 91mm x 2mm and 90mm x 1mm and I'm curious if they had a typo that night because if they did then that means with a 2mm head gasket, I have like 9:1 or less compression which make me MAD! Errrrrr! Today is a bad day boys.



Yup, now I'm just about furious that I had something like that slip on me. Not a typo on my fault either because I entered that in just about every day until the motor was running...



Unless if they really did sell a .2mm thick gasket then yah I'm in the 9/8:1's... well I guess this leave room for a turbo if I ever wanted to now! I'm still really depressed. I wanted 10:1 damnit! Next motor I do suppose. :P The link to the product doesn't even exist anymore so who knows now... I do see a "product code" in the link though. Perhaps I call up and see what that code is. Looks like I have a similar problem to the redhead. Nothing I can do about it now but to just deal with it...



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it's a 2mm gasket, they don't make a .2mm, that's thinner than a sheet of paper.


Well, let her drive you car, that's probably the easiest way to get her in it... unless you have doughnuts.


now I can't tell you the best way to get in her in it, cept that the passenger seat probably has the most room.

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Yah I was being a big baby, I'm just going to deal with it. :] She doesn't know how to drive standard tranny and quiet frankly I found these Z's surprisingly spacious when mine was delivered a year or two ago. The car just needs some love and she will get use to it. Even if she just comes with me on weekends its fine. Doesn't help either when everyone refers to it as the death mobile. Its been pretty good to me! No loss of brakes or anything vital/crazy like that!

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I feel bad for some of the people whos significant other doesn't share an interest in the car hobby. My wife rode with me at the dragstrip racing against my brother in his truck. It just happened to be my fastest run, that was cool. fortunately I was slow enough to have a passenger. With the turbo LSx rx7 she asked me one day if it was going to be too fast for her to ride at the drag strip. I told her we could always try to get away with it on the first run, but the tech guys will likely poo poo the situation and claim it will be faster than 14 seconds. :-D

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Yah my mom told me to stop spending so much and save for college. After some problems she said keep spending until the car is safe so I was like... >_> Alright! Go out and build a scary motor and such.


Listen to you mom about saving for college. You should be saving a good chunk for it since college will give you the extra cash to keep your Z running 5 years from now :wink: okay 15 years, or of course to mod up more Z's later you know, make the collection... :D Not to mention getting married one day, or GASP! buy a house w/ a big garage to work on the Z's in... :D one w/ a lift and fancy tools etc etc etc. Just go to college, n don't rely on your parents for tuition, they're going to have fun trying to pay for retirement.


I'll get off the soap box now...:wc:

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Ive found that teaching a girl to drive a stick can be a very fun experience for both of you, if she has some fun in the car, she wont hate it as much. worked for me. I this girl I was dating to make the tach read 3.5 and let go of the clutch fast, she had no idea what was going to happen, so funny.

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First off ask her why she's afraid? Is there something that happened in her past that leads her to fear cars? noises? If so, you are only going to freak her out more by throwing her in the hatch and doing donuts (not recommended therapy).


Print this out and hand it to her. See if she sticks around.


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Thats a funny story.I remember when i bought my 0 mustang gt the first thing i did was put a full set of pipes on it headers x pipe and american thunder mufflers on it.Dont kow why they call them mufflers at al it is louder then hell and you kinda smell like gas after a long ride.Anywho there was this girl i was seeing and we were drivin around she sais where are we going?I said baby we are just cruzin.No one seems to just cruise anymore.I droppedher off and she said to me.......you really need to fix your car and put some mufflers on it!hahaha. bough my 260 and it really is in the brunt of its restoration right now.My current girlfriend stopped by while i was laying under it scraping undercoating off the bottom with a scraper and a blow torch.I said baby come down here and gimme a kiss she said no!I snagged her hand and pulled her down and kissed her and and got her all dirty and she laughed.I kept her.some girls dont really give a damn what you drive some alls that matters is that its clean and quiet.Most girls wont be as into cars as you its about finding one that respects your interests.

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