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I love those scammer emails


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Well since I've posted my datsun for sale (without posting an email address in the thread) I have gotten a few scammer emails. I figured I might as well play dumb for a little while. This is one series of the emails I have gotten. I can't wait for his next reply.


Little long winded but the punch line is at the very end.


On Tue, 3/3/09, Enas Frank wrote:

From: Enas Frank

Subject: for sale


Received: Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 7:11 PM




My name is enas,I saw your advert on the web and i amd very much interested in purchasing your consignment soi will want you to give me your PRICE,PICS AND PRESENT CONDITION OF THE CONSIGNMENT.

So i willlike to get a mail from you if you are interested in selling your consignment,

Thanks get back to me asap,



I responded:

To: "Enas Frank"

Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 1:17 AM



what was i selling?


Jason Anaka





He comes back with an intelligent...


From: Enas Frank

Subject: list

To: "Jason Anaka"

Received: Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 10:04 PM


The question is that do you have any thing that you are selling for now and if you have kindly email me the items and the last price.

Thanks i await your urgent reply,





Me again playing dumb:

On Wed, 3/4/09, Jason Anaka wrote:

From: Jason Anaka

Subject: Re: list


Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 2:06 PM


what was it i was selling again?


Jason Anaka




And again...


From: Enas Frank

Subject: list

To: "Jason Anaka"

Received: Thursday, March 5, 2009, 2:18 AM



dont you have any thing that you are selling



Me again...



To: "Enas Frank"

Date: Thursday, March 5, 2009, 12:56 PM


i have lots that i am selling, that is why i don't know what you are refering to.

where did u find my email address?



Jason Anaka







Last response

To: "Jason Anaka"

Received: Thursday, March 5, 2009, 8:53 AM



when u list all the goods u are selling with the price then i can tell u the one i need,




My final answer is:


"Enas Frank"


I'm selling your mom for $5.


Jason Anaka






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I regularly lead those guys on for quite awhile if I get a chance including usually leading [scamming "sellers" of cars usually] into believing I can actually come see the car in person because I'll be in whatever city they claim to be in (though the car is already in a container and ready to be shipped.


But on my last one, I "gave up" after about 10 emails back/forth by basically saying "alright, I give up! How can I get into the scam business? Do you have a boss? Are your margins worth the risk? Why is the "eBay Seller Protection" the usual payment handling even though we all know it doesn't exist? Why do you all have the same terrible grammar? Sincerely yours, Josh"

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I always tell them to send the check, then tell them I've recieved it and cashed it.


Then give them the address of the police dept to pick up the car/what ever and I'll meet them there on a given date.


Funny nobody's shown up (that I know of ha-ha), niether have I.

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