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Big news!


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Well I finally get to share with you guys/gals the best news I could possibly share with anyone. I've shared quit a bit with this crowd (surgury, house selling) and this dwarf's it all.


I'm going to have my own little Pit Crew this winter :)


My wife and I are expecting our first born Nov 14th, 2009, or so they say :mrgreen:



We are super excited and at this point were told we are just over 8 weeks along. Still a long way to go but still excited.


So this fall we will have our first and take possession of our new house around the same time.


I'm excited to say the least. Talk about a lot of change in the last 12months for me, surugry going well, full recovery, sale of house, new house and now get to add new family to the list.






That is all, continue with your day :D

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Congrats! I am now 2.3 years into our first child and it has been a huge, life changing time. More work than I ever imagined and at the same time more rewarding than I thought possible. He had his first ride in the Z three weeks ago. He always asks to go out in the Z now. He yells, "zig-zag" (go around corners) and "more turbo dad!" (to hear the blow off valve).


Some people fear change. Not us HybridZ'ers!

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what are your plans for the future? you going to get a 2009 Corvette and wrap it in mothballs so when he hits 21 he can have a mint 0-mile classic car? :D



Hey, I didnt see anything mentioning it was a boy...


Congrats, I cant imagine having a kid. :shock:

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I'm excited to say the least. Talk about a lot of change in the last 12months for me, surugry going well, full recovery, sale of house, new house and now get to add new family to the list.


:mrgreen: that's awesome man. congrats! lets hope the good streak you're having stays, and rubs off on some of us too! or maybe the good luck my father had with his surgery is rubbing off on you now!


whatever it is, i like it. and keep up the good work :D

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Thanks for the kind words, and support.


I'm already proud and we are excited to start our family. So far all the family and close friends we have told have been very happy for us and positive which is nice.


Will tell more as we know more. ;)

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