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Bum Luck


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I just had the glass replaced in my glass top patio table, which broke in a storm last Fall. This morning, my dad and I picked up the new glass and installed it. About an hour later, my wife, son, and I went out to get lunch in the Odyssey. 1/4 mile from the house and it was raining. We passed a ball field where there was a local league baseball game in progress. I was saying to my wife, why are they playing in the rain. As I finshed the word "rain" BAAAMM a hardball landed square into the glass moonroof of the Odyssey. We were doing about 40 and right away I knew what had happened. Good thing the shade was closed, which caught all the broken glass. Had to go back home and pull the Z out of the garage and into the rain so I could park, the no longer watertight, Odyssey inside.


Insurance will pay in full, but what luck?


As I cleaned the glass out of the sunroof, I noticed that the ball hit directly over my head in the drivers seat. Had the roof been open, I would have been in rough shape. Lucky, I guess :icon56: Very weird.

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When the baseball part came up I could have sworn you were gonna say it broke the table top you just replaced (probably would have been some homerun, lol) but you caught me by surprise and said the moonroof. Good thing about the shade though because I was starting to worried about everybody getting cut by falling glass.

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You replace the broken glass of the table, glass on the van/SUV/whatever it is, gets broken. You fix that one the glass on the Z gets broken, you fix that one the glass on the Subaru gets broken, you fix that one the window on your house gets broken, you fix that one all the glass on everything you own gets broken. Just go ahead and replace everything glass with lexan, plastic wrap, and duct tape. lol

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