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My former employee arrested!


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Shining example of white trash!


Me being from where I am from, I never understood the true meaning of the term you use....don't see how this is an example of that.


On the other hand, good to hear his plan didn't work and now he has to face the music.

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Clive, he is basically a waste of skin since the best part of him obviously ran down his mothers leg, true definition of white trash. Has 3 kids, married and is a talented guy just resorts to stealing to support his family, the world is never enough for him. Everywhere he has ever been he steals. I got lucky and called the cops went to his house and my stuff was in his front yard, so I got it back. This mind you while he was working for me.


He was convicted of stealing a backhoe and a bobcat skid steer loader back in 2005 after I fired him, under more charges including theft, embezzlement, receiving stolen property, 2 DUI's, vehicular manslaughter and a few more.

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Man, I see people like him wasting their youth for stupid things. I think he'll be a bit older when he finally gets out. His kids won't remember him well and will probably be better off without him as an influence. Wow, what a good way to lose everything you have.



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Me being from where I am from, I never understood the true meaning of the term you use....don't see how this is an example of that. .


Hi Clive:

If you do not understand the meaning of "white trash" - consider yourself lucky. Those of us who have had the misfortune to have lived around the group of people to which the term applies - fully understand the group culture, and are disgusted by it.


While most Americans are proud of the fact that we don't consider ourselves as having a rigid "class structure"; and are quite proud of the upward mobility that America offers - we also know what the term "low class" means in cultural terms of values, ethics, morals etc..


"White Trash" is pretty much at the bottom of that terminally lower class group. They are at the bottom mostly because they lack the excuse of racial discrimination or heritage, ie. there is no reason for them to be there, other than their own apathy.


I do have to add that the criminal that this thread was started about - would not seem to me to fall into the category. Seems his upbringing, his Mother's position in the middle class etc - fails to qualify him as "white trash"... Rather he's just a Loooooser that pretty much made his own bed.. In a way he's an individual that is worse than white trash... "White Trash" doesn't mean one is criminal in their behavior.



Carl B.

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I agree with Carl. To me white trash is a guy setting in his dilapidated, roach infested trailer house talking to me (the orkin man at the time), while crushing up doritos to pour in his fresh bowl of rice crispys

(and roaches) for breakfast. I left and never came back after seeing that. Your thief on the other hand is at a much lower class than white trash, I just wish I could catch someone stealing from me. I always envisioned them having to "serve time" at my place before I let the law take there turn.:flamedevi

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LOL you have no idea just what the living conditions were. I was there one day and literally he never picks anything up, lives like a pig, trash insides and out, dirty dishes, clothes, etc., you name it it was laying around. That is how I found my stuff, it was laying in the back yard and inside the house!

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"White trash" comes in many forms.

There "vanears" can very. Mostly it refers to a very low class of moral conduct.


It is something us white fellows have deemed fine to classify this particular group, that we see in our "group".


I really don't care about racial lines, however, there are some cultural differences and sex differences, that attribute to a rather generalized way group will live.


Fine by me, if we were all the same it would be pretty boring.



Glad that guy may be getting his due!! What a piece of garbage! (Good example of white trash!)


White supremacy groups are white trash, so are those corporate fellows that rip off there own companies.


Problay crossed the line..... Those types really piss me off.

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Me being from where I am from, I never understood the true meaning of the term you use....


Take a trip up to Rome/Utica and hang around the neighborhood near the Brewery. You will see other shining examples closer to your home!


Though I must defer to Carl Beck...living in Florida gives him a special appreciation of the definition of the word (panhandle trash?) and more expertise than me.


What I have found is living in California, 'white trash' has little to do with Income level as well. You can be a millionare and still be a toothless, unhygenic slob with a stained t-shirt driving a truck around with dogs in the back and a penchant for your neices...


Though by the descriptors thus far, I'm probably close to qualifying on the surface if you were to drive by the yard on any given day.


I rationalize to myself that at least I try to make what is laying around look presentable, or at least make an attempt to keep it from public view. I mean, when you got 32 cars in the yard, and at least two of them are supported by either wood or old rims laying on their sides 'White Trash' surely must come to mind!


But code enforcement has a LOT worse than me to deal with in my neck of the woods! LOL

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Dr. Hunt has it right. Thru White trash is a morale thing, no redeeming value to society. In the broad stroke it gets used to describe lifestyle and physical appearance. Since I fall into the latter, I'd like to go off on a rant but my finger can't keep up with my brain. I'll just say I want my Z rebuilt more than I want all my teeth.

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Well TonyD, I went to school upstate NY near rochester (Alfred, NY) so I understand what you mean. Heck one of my good older friends always called himself a red neck and white trash, pretty much because everyone in town hated him for having like 70 cars all over his property. Of course I never had a problem with it but he and I understood why people would be upset.


In Dr Hunt's post it seemed like the kid came from a pretty good background so the term "white trash" didn't apply in my mind. That is why I asked because maybe someone of another race could explain to me the true meaning. For anyone who knows me I have no issue in talking about race and terms used and culture. I always feel that is how everyone grows as people and at least try to understand everyones differnt background. So I thank you guys who took the time out to chime in and didn't take my question as trying to stir up some problems.

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Dr. Hunt has it right. Thru White trash is a morale thing, no redeeming value to society.


That sums up what I didn't know....I assumed white trash meant "poor whites" and there is a difference between "white trash" & "red necks"

Learn something new everyday.

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