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Fat wog, skinny wog


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No interest? The woman has caught some flak for using the word 'wog', I thought she was very observant, make a good witness. People get upset about words yet shooting or knifing someone passes without comment. Unreal.

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Must be slang or profanity for 'man'. Was there a big flap in the Aussie media over this?


Not quite. We had a guy from Kenya (originially his family was Indian, as in from India) in our car club.


One day he was excoriating 'Those Bloody Pakis' (Pakistanis) for something or other up by the border area.


Understand, this guy is high-dollar Pepperdine MBA material going off on this age old blood-fued between India and Pakistan. After I had made some (baiting) commentary about "Indians Blowing things up near the Border"---of course he HAD to differentiate between "Bloody Pakis and Peaceful Indians" (the guys down under will see where I'm going with this.)




I looked him right in the eyes as he's explaining all the technical differences ad DEADPAN to him: "Bah, Hitendra, you're all just bloody Wog's to us!"


Pepperdine MBA looked like he was about to KILL me...and I think he was actually laying back to take a swing when I cracked a grin (I couldn't help it, I KNEW I got him good!)


Then he realized I was messing with him and he called me an Italian Ethnic Slur and we drank some beers or something.


There is a PRICELESS bit in the old Fawlty Towers (maybe you can find it on You Tube) where 'The Major' goes into GREAT detail about what ethnic slur is appropriate for which underclass third-worlder from every corner of the Empire. Matter-of-Factly, just rattles 'em off. They could NEVER film that today. Rioutously funny if you know the background.


Lack of proper English Plagues America, forgive those who don't know what 'wog' is... LOL:shock:


Is 'wog' proper? LOL


"WOG!" as opposed to the noise you make when you curl your arm flexed, bend your knees, and makea fist and go "WAAAAAAAUGH!"


(Python Warped me as a child, what can I say...):mrgreen:

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Turns out she was taking the piss, having a laugh at the media, cheeky cow :D


Yeh 'wog' is a sort of mild derogatory term in AU, hard to explain, depends a lot if you are serious or not, originally for darker skinned Euros, like some Italians. Now been extended to those from the Middle East. Who she was referring to and I will stop right there :)

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Apparently thats the way they talk, the language used and the 'accent'. There would be a lot of background behind her comments, so called race riots and stuff in the past. She would be called a 'skip' by some, skip short for skippy, the bush kangaroo from a children's TV series.

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For those Americans Unawares of English, I suggest "Snatch" with Brad Pitt, or "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" at their local DVD Emporium.


My fave is Bricktop walking in on the black dudes in the back of the pawn shop...and the attendant long speech thereafter "Do you know who I am?" "Do you know what 'Nemesis' is?" "The best way to dispose of a human body, so I'm told is to feed it to pigs..."




I can watch those two all day long. Hell, I don't even need the Subtitles! LOL

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There is a PRICELESS bit in the old Fawlty Towers (maybe you can find it on You Tube) where 'The Major' goes into GREAT detail about what ethnic slur is appropriate for which underclass third-worlder from every corner of the Empire. Matter-of-Factly, just rattles 'em off. They could NEVER film that today. Rioutously funny if you know the background.

Funny stuff, that :D. I love Fawlty Towers and have hardly laughed that hard at anything else...except some good Monty Python material.



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