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EastCoastEngines,AutoComputerTech,musclesportsandi mports,Jeff Robert "Fruad"


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As some of you may know, I sent my harness and ecu to Jeff robert 851 Knox Cave Road Altamont, NY 12009 on July 27th 2008. A month and a half ago today, he said that he was done and when asked about it he said he just hadn't mailed it yet. In the end he has just stopped reponding. Two months ago I had contacted a law firm in albany and they said that they would take my case. Of course once he heard this he made all kinds of promises. I just sent him my last email and last phone call. If you have also been had by this joker, you can send me an e-mail to the address below. I am currently gaining a list of names and address to present to the Attorney General. I am posting this in multiple forums, so it can be cross referenced whenever one of his company names or his name and address are searched.


Today he replied "Idk, After seeing that stuff you posted up everywhere I think I wont be going to the post office anytime soon. What do you think?"






Sincerely Jim H.

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Well, I used PAYPAl and have entered a dispute. I have a copy of all my receipts and his emails. I have contacted a lawyer. I am just trying to keep others from going through this nightmare with him. Thanks. If you have been taken by him I have the complaint form from the Attorny Generals office. send me an email and I will send it to you with the address.




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I finally had enough and contacted the http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx. I included the list of people that emailed me. I am also sending in my complaint to NY Attorney General with a copy of all my receipts http://www.oag.state.ny.us/bureaus/c...complaint.html. I had contacted a lawyer in Albany and he suggested The rockland county DA (Zugibe) has a new internet or white collar crime division. I filed with ic3. These are free. I will wait and if nothing comes of it I told lawyer that I would contact him. So after trying to help others, He send me this "Someone emailed me about what you were doing on the Internet. It wont go unnoticed." My reply is, not much of a threat. What are you going to do, not mail my property to me?


Link to his blog http://wiringandpcmcustomers.blogspot.com/

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Wow... So now he's admitting to destruction of personal property, not fulfilling contracts, and incriminating himself?


When I find out who you are, I will take you finished harness and cut it in half. I will take your PCM and drill a hole right through the middle. And then, I will send you the harness and PCM.


This guy is brilliant, to say the least. Also, he's had your stuff for almost a year. 11 months. I've seen cars get painted 3x over faster than that.


Please dont push me. I am not ripping anyone off and never have and never will. I got too busy and sold a service for a price too low and therefore I am stuck working on more than I can handle.


Sounds like a personal problem. Perhaps he should try communicating, or simply sending the product back with a full refund saying "sorry, I am unable to finish this. please accept my apology"


This guy should not run any kind of business, as he has 0 customer service skill.


Also, be sure to quote/screenshot his page before he edits/takes it out, so if he DOES send you your stuff cut or with a hole in it, you can prove he's threatened to do it and can't claim "shipping damages."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is a post from another site I belong to.


Hi Gentlemen,


Let me introduce myself, I am an Investigator with the Albany County Sheriff’s Office in Albany, New York. I have received several complaints in reference to Jeffrey Robert of East Coast Engines throughout the Country. I have started a criminal investigation into Jeffrey Robert of East Coast Engines and would like to talk to anyone else that has been a victim. If you have any further information or have been a victim, I can be reached at (518)655-7809 or via email wrice@albanycounty.com.


Here is a link for any that may need help.



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  • 1 month later...

If they really want to, the Dept of Homeland security can make him go away for a really long time all due to the pipe bombs. He's a knucklehead at the very least. In any event, hopefully he'll serve out a few years or more. Turdburger.




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