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Chemistry help!!!!


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As a microbiology/chemistry major, the best thing you can do is practice problems. Just do them over and over if need be. Chemistry at most times defeat's common logic at that level since there is just so much going on past that which you will definitely not get into at your level. Going over practice problems until you've got the patterns figured out and the exceptions memorized will make life a pinch.

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I found it really helps if you take good notes of the problems the prof writes on the board (assuming schools still use chalk and blackboards).


Often times, the tests on the exam are those exact problems with just some different numbers.


The thing I didn't like about Chemistry is they say there is a rule, but with all these exceptions. With Physics, there are no exceptions to the rules! :mrgreen:

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I found it really helps if you take good notes of the problems the prof writes on the board (assuming schools still use chalk and blackboards).


Often times, the tests on the exam are those exact problems with just some different numbers.


The thing I didn't like about Chemistry is they say there is a rule, but with all these exceptions. With Physics, there are no exceptions to the rules! :mrgreen:






Most rules can not be refuted however, most rules can not be proven, this does not mean there true,,,,just not wrong..teehee.

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