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Pure show Z ?

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Anyone ever hear of someone all out fancying up a Z with dvd players,games consoles and ect... I figured ppl have done it to every other car to show their baller hood,why not the Z ?

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O.K. Before this turns out bad, I'll post.


My guess is that HybridZ is not going to be a good place to ask this question. This site really is oriented towards Performance Mods and body mods that AREN'T GAUDY. To me, an all out fancied up Z interior with all that stuff takes away from performance, althought I have nothing against someone wanting to do that sort of thing. I just don't think this is the site that will have many (some I'm sure) people interested in an interior chock full of gee-gaw electronic gizmos.


I'm sure the members will set me right if I've read the membership incorrectly.


Hopefully, my post will stem the tide of what I think could turn into a somewhat volatile thread.

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Guest KraZ4spd

Yes I will add a nice system to my Z. CD, XM radio an amp and some woofers. Just for quality sound. Not for thump or for looks. As a matter off fact I would like for it to look stock. I feel that a stereo that is not over done adds to the overall experience of 'the Ride'. :D

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Guess I better take those hydraulics off my shocks...damn, and I was so looking forward to bouncing the front wheels at the stoplites!


All kidding aside, I don't have any problem with someone doing the full two-tone interior with DVD, etc. That person may not find a lot of advice here but we shouldn't turn them away in a rude manner. Gaudy can have all kinds of definitions and I've kept my comments to myself, even at HybridZ.


I for one, would like to see some more old Z's in the import shows, but to compete nowadays...you gotta have the full system. I'm just content with nice wheels and flares, and to just have the Z sit in a corner of the car show, only to be noticed by people who truly appreciate it.



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Anything can be done tastefully or.... dis-tastefully. The problem is the farther you go the the thinner the line between the two becomes. I have no problems with with a highly customized interior. In many ways it's more of a challenge than other areas of the car. One example I can think of is the Tomahawk dash cap. The stock dash has a very appealling shape on it's own. Takes some guts to think you can improve on it. I love that cap. Gives it a look like the C3 Vettes dash.


Use your best judgment and go for it. We'll be gentle twak.gif with our criticism.

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Guest Anonymous

Say No, Pete, he works out, you should see the walk he makes to the back fence, stairmaster bloody hell :eek: !!!

I can tolerate and understand either hybrid style or show glitz style, but I think unless its done extremely well, I'd rather not see a Z subjected to botched interior cruelty. Painted instruments and panel pieces is where I draw the line....

Most of the guys that gravitate here want to feel a huge kick in the ass when they punch the gas, they're so busy trying to aim the car straight that they have no time for PS/2 in the car, because the only thing better than seeing or talking about a fast Z is driving one. I'd have less issue if someone wanted to show out a third gen Z... They seem to be the unloved children of the Z family at this point IMHO. :D





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The 280ZX several posts up is my car. I bought it form a guy that showed the car and won. We have done a lot of work getting it back on the street. We kept the sound system that was in the car and added amps. We may show it but probably not. We are driving it and having fun with.


We are planning to rework the motor for more horses soon. I would like to install a new radio/CD/DVD player, it would be a great place to watch a movie. Also I would replace the rear view, which you can't see out of anyway, with a monitor for the DVD and with a small video camera in the back I could see out the back.


I would never have thought I could have bought a can that so much money has been spent on. Its a great ride. Silly, sure but you get that way when you get over 60 years old.


Thats why they make black cars and red cars.



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Guest 280Tom'z

well i guess i'm the black sheep here thats what i want to do eventualy, right now i have two 12' subs and i'm workin on the CD/MP3 i'm going for a great sound system and maybe later a DVD but i doubt it nice seats new custom carpet(needed anyway) neons in and out to match the paint BUT!!! i am a firm beliver that if it shows it better go and my Z will go before show (with the exception of rims because i need new tires a burn out too many) it will look good though and be tasteful hopefuly not only spank cars on the street but in showrooms.

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Yep I'm with Pete...you will not see those things here as we are performance oriented. You will however see a few 300zx's (z32) that are set up for show. I for one have never seen the mods outlined above on the older Z cars...but it does seem a lot more common on the newer models. FWIW cheers.gif

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Guest greimann

Well now that you opened up that can-o-worms, let me tell ya......


Really, I think Thumper said it best:


"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".

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Guest Aaron

I enjoy a good sound system myself, however, I have never cared for any type of show only car (trailer queen). I think all cars should be built to be driven. When I build my Z (after I build the shop first), I am planning a high tech, tastefull electronics package. I am hoping for a DVD, computer, sound system, etc. This is mainly because I like cool stuff, but I am also planning to join the Hot Rod Power Tour some day, and I need to provide entertainment for the wife.

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Guys, when I saw this post, I thought of all the overdone interiors in the show scene these days that have so many gadgets around them (to be able to "compete" that it's hard to find the controls that actually operate the car. I was just saying that that kind of mod isn't going to be very popular here (of course some people here might like it) and that I'd go other places to find it.


What I don't want to see is HybridZ become a place for that kind of over the top show car stuff. To me this place is about performance and tasteful body mods (usually done for aerodynamics, to get big tires under the car, etc.). I don't want to see someone ask months down the road for a forum for wild show interiors or one for putting hydraulics under the car. I'd rather that kind of stuff be kept on the other sites. JMO.


Dan, I don't think you flairs are gaudy, nor do I think Terry's are! I can't wait to see you paint them the same color as the car though :D .


Like Lone said, tasteful interior mods are cool, but what I see in show cars these days with tons of electronics, screens, Nintendo, etc. well, I don't think that's what this site is about. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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...I think I've said this a hundred times since this site was created...


It is your car, do it YOUR way.


Last year at the 2001 MSA there was a 260Z that had DVD, subs, killer stereo, AND a nintendo in it. The guy got there early and LEFT early. His car wasn't in bad shape, but he was asked to leave after an issue about the rules for the show arrose with Kirt, the buyer for MSA. Anyway, the car was pretty tricked out, lowered, had 17 inch wheels and NICE trim on the interior.


Years ago I had a pair of 10 inch subs that vibrated my Z so hard that the side view mirror bolts wouldn't stay torqued without lock tite on them!


Now days I look at all that electronic stuff as a fire hazard, but again, to each his own...Your car, build it YOUR way.


As was mentioned though, you won't get much support here, as most guys want light and fast with little complexity in the interior. :cool:

Mike cheers.gif

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I think it was Big Phil who had a sweet subwoofer enclosure in the back of the Z. And I agree, the interior is one of the hardest places to "tune" mine is just BLACK, the only things that stand out are the white letters on the gauges and the door handles at the bottom of the door panel. I even painted my Moroso batt box black.


I never liked the two tone interiors and DVD setups, who the hell is gonna watch DVDs in the car anyway?! BTW, finally saw Fast and the Furious for the first time, borrowed the DVD from a friend (never could get myself to actually pay money to see it). There was one Asian guy who was playing Nintendo or whatever in his car just before the start of his race, what a sterotypical movie...



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...That movie was a marketing tool. That's all it was... I have to constantly talk my 17 year old step son out of putting that stuff in his civic. These kids want that stuff so they can say they have it... It ads NOTHING to enhance DRIVING your car, and it isn't like your kids are gonna be able to watch it in the "BACK SEAT" while you are going down the road... DVD and video games are good for long road trips and kids... If you want to wathc a movie, get a damned conversion van or stay home... puke.gif


Now, since I unloaded how I really feel, keep in mind what I said in the previous post... Its your car.. and not everyone has the same taste!


Mike cheers.gif

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