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Insider deal to buy used Ferrari


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So the follwing are out:


Any "B" series 911S (1969 through 1973)

1973 and 1974 Carerra RS





the '73 & '74 Carrera RS are VERY desirable cars, BUT, they were never available in the USA. '73 & '74 US Carreras had all the Carrera parts but the RS engine. My first 911, bought in Germany in '82, was a real '74 Carrera RS and for the short time I drove it in Germany I had a permanent boner. Never competed with it, but to be honest, everyday driving got very tiresome with the strong but peaky engine and balky shifter. Swapped it out in '85 for a '79 Max Moritz Special, bought again in Germany. Max Moritz was a dealer that pre-dated Ruf and his Special was a short-stroke 3.2L + other goodies. The '79 was heavier and softer but a much nicer driver and quicker than the Carrera (note I said quick) because of the torque.


If you look at it from a racing perspective, the early Carreras are killers but IMO, the later cars make way better everyday street cars. Kick myself in the ass today for getting rid of both of them, but I always wanted to try something different and there was no such thing as Barrett-Jackson back then :D

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So the follwing are out:


Any "B" series 911S (1969 through 1973)

1973 and 1974 Carerra RS




John - If you want to contribute $40K to purchase a nice B series "S" for Scotty or over $100K for an RS (or even a replica)...then please do so...sheeesh man.



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Hmm anyone got a spare 40K? I didn't think so. The only way I keep the Z in any senario is for said extra car to be in the under 10's. Performance of said Porsche/Ferrari is basically not important. If I want to go fast, I would keep my Z. It already is fast. This would be our weekend fun car (just as my z is now) I did find an awsome 77 turbo with some nice upgrades, 20K with 90K on it in Florida. My fav retro colour too! (light blue) Very nice/clean looking, but I'm right back at selling the Z. (still an option, though that 77 will be long gone before I could sell my Z.)

Just thinking back to when I first picked up my Simmons wheels, and I got a "reasonable" blank check offer on the car. Doh!


Seriously though. Saw a ton of early-mid 70's Carrera's (wife insists a targa) in the 5-8k range. That is where the thought of keeping the Z came from. As soon as I get back to 20K+ the Z must go.



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  • 3 weeks later...
I enjoyed the video. It looked like he was taking it easy on the car and only passed when there was plenty-o-room on the straight. Personally if I was driving a Ferrari I'd have a hard time letting an Alfa, Triumph or Datsun guy think he was faster than me :mrgreen:. The white 260zed was a bit brazen I thought.....


Brazen? Nice safe pass, didn't chop anyone, good to go. Fez was slow in a straight line as is one I come across occasionally although this one looked quite steady in the corners compared with it.

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