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I like the Real Men shift one I like the layout of the site pretty simple but most of the shirts seem sort of ricer to me, like I would see some kid in a rattle can slammed honda civic wearing. But that's just me and not trying to be a negative nancy but otherwise the shirts look clean and simple and I like that. Overall good job.

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1. I'm dumb (so I'm assuming lots of other people are to) what does FTW mean? You may want to spell the acronym out for moms and whomever may be trying to understand. Assuming you want to sell to a niche market you may not care, but don't limit yourself.


Does it mean "For the Win" or "F-ck the World"? Had a negative meaning in the past. Spell it out.


2. When your at the bottom of the page and hit the next page it leaves you at the bottom. The user should be brought to the top of the page not left down at the bottom looking at white space.


3. I kept getting a bunch of "404 Page not found errors" when clicking around the site. Actually had to backspace all the way to the typed URL.


4. Should the start page of the site be Shirt page?


5. On the contact page I would move the text that is barely readable with the Name, email and message as black next to it. I had to move close to the screen at first to see it. Why make a user strain and you have the real estate so why not use it?


I asked my wife who was standing up if she could read the text and she thought I was crazy. She had to bend down to see it.


5. As a customer if the business is real I want a phone number! I can't stand sites that I can't get in contact with someone. Make me feel special!


6. I haven't a clue what the Promote page is for?


7. You should have an about page, giving some background and such about what your company is trying to sell, promote, mission statement, etc.

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Over all, simple and clean.


Easy to navigate, advertising controlled.


Like the play on pics and words, simple and to the point, still do not know what ftw means.


Hopefully it dose not mean f..k anything, mostly because the shirts show class and intelligent.

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The website is okay. I think he needs to focus a little more on his website layout and navigation. I know he's trying to offer a product, but having a "splash" page describing the site, the product, etc. I think would be better than a direct link to the products page. It seems he's new to website creation just based off of the look and feel of it. And if he's not a website designer or have a fair amount of experience tell him to switch to something like wordpress or weebly or wix. The reason I say this is because it helps make the website look professional vs. a kid selling shirts in the backyard. Last but not least he should offer a gimmick (i.e. group buy, discounts for forwarding to friends, etc.)


Just my .02

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