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1971 240z rb25det build thread


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So as some of you may remember I had a leak in my brake master cylinder. Well I tried to dig in a bit deeper today. So there are 2 caps on the cylinder. Under the 1st cap everything was good. Under the 2nd the brake fluid has turned to sludge. My guess is that it froze then expanded breaking the gasket. My thinking is I need to remove the cylinder flush the lines replace gaskets and seals and bleed the system. Any thoughts or inputs? Am I going about this wrong?

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Well I ordered a refurbished master cylinder. Flushed the lines and am awaiting the new master to reinstall and bleed. Got the dash mostly done. Cleaned up most of the wiring. I'm gonna have to make some pretty creative kick panels to conceal them. :( should be getting my camera back tomorrow. Hope to have some pictures up soon.

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Got the new master cylinder installed. Bleed brakes and they are working great. Filled the tank with 5 gallons of gas and tested the fuel system. Flowed great with about 20 psi. One small leak on one of the hard line flairs. Gonna be a pita to fix that one.

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Well after months of waiting and a long story I won't get into my motor should finally be here today. I'm hoping to have this thing running by Halloween. I will start documenting and updating tonight as soon as I get it. 1st thing I've got to do is change the timing belt, idler pulley, and tensioner. Then swap the clutch with the new one. Change the intake manifold, and move the dipstick. Hope to get that all done by weds.

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