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GT5 players Thread


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I wanted to start a new thread about GT5. In this thread we can share car setups, Track times, Likes, Dislikes, General Knowledge, Driving chair setups, ect.



So far I am liking the game a lot. Although it has many downfalls; the Physics are great although the graphics on the standard cars are well.. GT4ish and not very good. I do not like that I cannot change wheels on the standard cars as well. It seems going through the game early on, all the cars you win are well.. junk. I do like the special challenges and it is a good way to make some extra cash. I really like the carting and unlocking the Top Gear Test track has been loads of fun!


I was able to get a S130 but have not been able to find a S30 yet. Has anyone else been able to find a S30?

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I like how they condensed the UI down to just a few places, instead of having to go all over the map. But, at the same time I dislike how there aren't any more one-make races and whatnot. There also seem to be a lot fewer races altogether. And the stupid car delivery thing? Why the extra steps?


I hate how you can't use each color more than once.


The mods for each car seem really odd. And, no more 1200 hp skylines it seems. I miss all the adjust-ability that GT4 had when you got the fully custimizable transmission and suspension. It's a lot simpler now. I liked being able to set my camber to +12 degrees, dammit!


The AI seems a lot more aware that you exist, though. Still runs you off the course every once and a while, but I suppose that's somewhat realistic (iow - keep an eye on the cars around you).


Does anyone know if the oil change trick works on new cars like in GT3/GT4?


$60 for 200 new cars and 800+ of the same models from GT4? I would have rather waited...


So far I have a Z33, Z32TT, Z31, and S130. I saw a S30 right when I started but haven't seen one since. Level 13 working on leveling up to 15 to get the Super license.

Edited by BLOZ UP
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The physics are awesome, but I'm with you on the standard car stuff. I did see an S30 in the used lot after I bought my first car, but obviously I didn't have the monies :( . I did manage to get a Countach, KPGC10, and Mercedes 2.3-16 from the used lot.


As far as driving goes, I like to turn all assists including ABS off but remember to set your brake balance correctly, or else you'll go twirling off course. I use the interior view once in a while, and I like that you can change the zoom level. My old GTDFP wheel seems to be holding up pretty well. Overall, it's a great game, but I've been into the series since the first one came out so I may be a bit biased!

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I have a s-30. Bought it used.



Special challenges so far are the best parts of the game. A few of us will start a Sunday night GT5 race night again like we had with GTR pm the pc.


Let me know about that for Sunday nights.. Sounds fun!


Yeah the goofy menu's when acquiring a car seems silly. I do like the ability to gift things to friends though. It would seem things would have been a little more perfected and polished since we had to wait 3 extra years for it!!

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