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Everything posted by spotfitz

  1. jmortesen, Tell your buddies to be careful getting high and then going mountain bike riding in the heat. Back "in the days" I use to do the same thing. I got done riding one day and loading the bikes up for the trip back home and on the way home while driving I literally lost my sight for about 20 seconds from the lack of oxygen getting to my brain. It made for a fun drive. Me working the gas and clutch/shifting while my co-pilot was turning us into a parking lot. Although, right now I would probably pass out just riding normally in my present physical condition. This said as I'm shoveling in my 2nd 1/4 lbs double cheese burger. I will admit one thing though. You can ride pretty quick while high. And yes, it was a very lame way to not show a damn thing of importance.
  2. I watched that. It was very good, even though when he went to try for another record he put a rod through the side of the block of one engine. Sounded like he did it missing a shift, but who knows. I couldn't believe they let the host of the show do the driving to beat the record! Did you see the "pot test". What in the hell was that? I then watched the next one which matched up the EVO and the WRX. I loved the drifting that the host was doing with these cars.
  3. This is just like a discussion I was having with a friend of mine. Make a long story short. His argument was the typical statement with the V8's "there is no replacement for displacement". Our first discussion was based on displacement alone. That went nowhere quick, ofcourse. Our next step added the turbo into the equation. My statement to him was, with better rod/stroke ratio with everything else equal, motor "a" could produce more usable power then motor "b", due to the possibility of higher boost levels. He would always go back to the "no replacement" statement. But where does the turbo actually surpass the lower displacement "disadvantage"? Neither of us could answer specifics, but he didn't see a lower displacement motor ever surpassing a higher displacement motor, no matter what turbo/super charger you put on it. Ofcourse, if you start adding rod/stroke, compression ratio, intake/exhaust valve sizings, port sizings.....without a turbo..... you have a whole other discussion, but we'll save that for another day. Maybe...
  4. I have a drivers side half quarter in my garage that I don't need. I don't recall if it is for a 240/260early or a 260late/280. If memory serves me correct, it does have an indent for the rear bumper which would indicate 240Z. If anyone is interested, let me know via email(not pm). Yahoo always puts my HybridZ responses into bulk(spam) folder.
  5. I have recently been receiving an email containing the Beagle virus from a member of AOL, which uses "ZXT" as his name and 240ZXT as his AOL account name. It has been sent to me in several different ways from the same person. Luckily, yahoo now has virus scan which has found the virus each time, but even then I worry about some of us having problems not keeping our protection up-to-date. I'm always hit with spyware and several others in our office have had viruses on more then one occassion, which is very often. These spyware programs are usually where you get attacked by the viruses. They make the "door" which allows the viruses to come in undetected. Your only protection besides staying off the net is to do as everyone here has mentioned. Keep your programs up-to-date! If anyone else has received an email from "ZXT" with attachments the likes of "I_search_for_you" , please let me know. If you are "ZXT" get your crap fixed. If your doing it intentionally, may God have mercy on your soul because I have sent you several emails telling you that you are sending out a virus/or have one yourself. I'm about to take the gloves off!
  6. I have '94 eclipse seats in my '74 260Z. The rails are exactly the same width, but the eclipse rails are about 4" longer. Using the rails that came on the eclipse seat and putting it where the original seat was puts you about 1-1 1/2" higher. If your tall this may be a problem.
  7. I did change it. Looking at my account info, it shows I HAVE changed it. I don't know whats going on. I never had problems with this site until the latest software change. Now I have log in problems, no reply emails, missing pictures and un-editable bios.
  8. Sorry for not getting back to this post until now Scott. Thanks for the offer. HybridZ reply emails always seem to get put into the spam box by yahoo. I actually have some better shots of it outside, even though the sun wasn't out that much that day they should come out good. I'll be picking them up and posting them this evening, hopefully. I'm hoping that I'll have a good digital camera by the time I get the motor back in, which will probably take close to a year. At that time it will still be carb'ed, but going to shows and events nonetheless. Again, thanks for the offer. How is yours doing BTW
  9. You should really read the WalMart prank! It's a classic, especially considering my girlfriend works at WalMart.
  10. The hazard switch on the center console is just a snap in holder that houses the switch. It's easiest to push it out from behind, preferably with the radio out, pulling the console loose or from the shifter hole. My guess would actually be your turn signal switch. It would be a good idea to clean it aswell. Watch how much you bend the tabs. They tend to break.
  11. No problem. All thats left to do is finish her up. BTW, my better half won't be at the meeting. She hurt her ankle and if by some chance it's better by then she'll have to get back to work. Maybe next months meeting or one of the future events.
  12. It's finally home! Got it home on Saturday, May 8th. She looks so pretty. Sorry, had to post it.
  13. Congrats Scott. Nice to see another hybridZ show up over there.
  14. I must have missed the email of your reply saying it was still on. Yahoo still thinks emails from HybridZ are spam, even though I keep pushing the "not spam" button on each email. I also never got a call from you after I sent you a pm giving you my home phone number. I have to know where you live in order to come over... I would have been more then happy to help out. I'm glad everything came out ok. Let me know if you need any help.
  15. You were going to pay for the help? I thought that was against the Zcar code of ownership.
  16. Actually I've posted pics of my '77 280Z before, oh wait, you meant the other love of my life. She'll hopefully be at the next meeting.
  17. Even though I just posted a pic in my other post, here she is.
  18. Here she is guys. For those that have fast connection speeds...heres the big ones: http://www.imagestation.com/mypictures/inbox/view.html?id=4174691936&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.imagestation.com%2Fpicture%2Fsraid114%2Fp4fb24bee34a3da9189611c1a3d3b62a8%2Ff8d4be60.jpg&caption=painted3 http://www.imagestation.com/mypictures/inbox/view.html?id=4174691941&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.imagestation.com%2Fpicture%2Fsraid114%2Fp0e5391448eda993645d00fa3123495ec%2Ff8d4be65.jpg&caption=painted2 http://www.imagestation.com/mypictures/inbox/view.html?id=4174691946&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.imagestation.com%2Fpicture%2Fsraid114%2Fpb88316b6fa8f3a7799f7e7d243203fd1%2Ff8d4be6a.jpg&caption=painted1
  19. Sorry I missed this one until now. Been working some mean hours lately. I don't have a welder, but I have a friend in Watauga that can help us out with that one. Just pm me and we'll swap phone numbers and work out the details. Besides, I've been wanting to see this swap done. What better way to see it done then to do it. Did you pick the seats up from Jerry, at All Z's?
  20. Good luck! I love side jobs, especially when the money is good.
  21. I know it is useless to share my excitement without pics. I actually wanted to get pics of it yesterday. I swear I've heard this before from some of the brains in the classroom , but the weather wasn't all that great yesterday and taking those pics would have also been useless. I went with an unusual color scheme. Artic white with large "gun metal" metal flakes. Just enough to tone down the white alittle and to bring in all the powder coating I plan to have done, which will be all the stainless steel in "gun metal". It's not something I've seen before, but I'm sure once it's totally done it will be beautiful. Pics to follow yet another useless post. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
  22. My '74 was painted on Friday 4/23/04! I'll be bringing her home next week after the weather gets better. I'm going over there today to take more pics. I should have some posted in the next couple days. I'm so excited. It's been way to long not having my baby! To bad it's going to take me forever to put her back together. Just thought I would give an update. Everyone enjoy your weekend!
  23. I knew you forgot something that day. Those rubber pieces are still sitting on my work bench. Want me to mail them to you? Ah yes, the fun of pulling teets.
  24. I have that exact piece of crap sitting up at the shop. I almost sold it once for $20 w/ the router. But then he wanted to test it out. I had to give a disclaimer and leave the room. He is being totally honest in his description of it's ability to sling things across the room!
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