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Here comes trouble

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Everything posted by Here comes trouble

  1. REO Speed Wagon. Neighbor kid had one and beat me down a hill. I have harbuored a grudge ever since. Had one once for garden chores and painted it black-still hated the thing. Kind of miss it since it was stolen
  2. God speed his recovery and return home.
  3. I am assuming that the Illumina cartridge shaft for the Z cars are all secured by a 12 mm x 1.25 nut...I am fabricating camber plates and it appears the VW Jetta and Z strut shaft threads are different in diameter. Since I will be using camber plates that require a 12mmx1.25 thread (lug) nut, I will not section the strut tubes 2 inches. and therefore my question is : are the Illumina threads the same as the stock Z strut shaft threads (12mmX1.25 RH). ..my camber plate fabrication link: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=106293
  4. Jeff.. what are you using for the monoball housing. I am trying to source a pre-made housing for a com 10 monoball...here is my project thread http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=106293
  5. Just remove the hatch completely and ya have a pick-up truck
  6. Pictures ...com10 monobal, 12mmX1.25 open ended lug nut and strut cartridge/monobal/lugnut http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/album?.dir=/a576
  7. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/detail?.dir=a576&.dnm=87eb.jpg&.src=ph I am in the planning stage of fabricating a set of camber plates for the 280 Z. Apparently front and rear camber plates are identical which will make the fabrication easier. The top 3 bolt slotted adjusting plate will be mild steel 3 1/2 inch wide by 4 1/2 inch long (with length being tapered after the first 2 inches to a 2 inch wide end. The 3 slots are roughly 1 1/2 inch long and 3/8 inch wide. For the adjusting plate I will buy a length of bar stack 3 1/2 x 3/16 inch thick about 2 feet long to do about 6 plates........ I am hoping that I can find some large washers with a 3 1/2 inch O.D. and an inside diameter of 2 inches for the bottom fastener plate. I can then slice out 1 5/8 inch of the washer without much other fabrication to the washers for the bottom fastener plate which will look like the letter "C". I plan to use 3/8 inch threaded elevator bolts (flat bolt heads) to secure the top adjuster plate to the bottom "washer" fastener plate....... The difficult part:The top adjuster plate will need a com10 sperical monoball bearing with housing. The bearing is not difficult but the housing to be welded to the top adjusting plate will be a challenge to fabricate unless I can find a "cartridge" housing with snap rings for the com 10 bearing which will require a 1 1/4 inch inside diameter housing . A conical open ended 12mmX1.25 lug nut will miraclously fit the inside diameter of the monoball bearing to hold the strut cartridge threaded shaft end in place. The Datsun KYB strut cartrdges I have are:12mmx1.25, thread but the VW Jetta strut cartridge for a 2 inch sectioned strut tube has a larger thread shaft diameter... These camber plates will drop the Z down about two inches and I will not have to section the Strut tubes by 2 inches anyway. I considder sectioning the strut tubes a lot more work than fabricating camber plates considering that the rear strut pins will have to be removed. anyone ever doing this with even a strut pin removal will know what I an talking about. I am hoping that I can remove the old spring perches and weld in coilover perches without the entire rear strut assembly being removed .................I will add pictures as I progress
  8. The doors should be slightly longer with wider windows... the rear side glass will definitely not fit. The windshield should be the same . Call an automotive glass dealer or the Nissan dealer to double check my conclusion
  9. Rufus.... I tried to run up your reputation points....but on the second attempt I was caught and informed to spread that "rep" around before running your's up ! ...Ya just can't get much past these guys before you are on the skids.. I cannot even add and improve my own rep.................
  10. Matt sent me this website on the Jetta combination fog-turn signal and headlight about 6 months ago. I plan to use these in my 250 GTO project....scroll down till you come to "Euro head;ights http://www.memoimports.com/new_page_2.htm
  11. Filtering tip Got a price quote on solvent for the parts cleaner/washer and went into shock....Inspected the barrel under parts cleaner tub and found a lot of grease from the last few years.....Placed the flexible parts washer spout in an oil filter bought at a garage sale and let the pump run solvent thru the oil filter for an hour. It appears a far amount of gunk was trapped in the oil filter.
  12. Addition of thinner to Hammerite (I used the POR15 thinner) tends to smooth the surface of Hammerite and give a glosser finish
  13. I would shy away from a penetrating oil like WD 40... I use a temporary light coating of rattle can black primer on the bare surface with periodic inspections on my GTO project. Later on when you are sanding, the black will indicate as low spots when block sanding the other prmer. Bare metal can be chemically etched to adhere the primer also
  14. I would suggest that your front that is bottoming out needs attention now and not a few years from now. Inspect and repair ....Invest in some cheap front strut cartridges
  15. Looks like some bizarre method to obtain varable rate coil over springs with 2 springs and soMe sort of spacer without an adjustiong nut... You can buy variable rate coilovers from Q A1 in a single spring but this set-up is not "race" and variable rate coilovers may become "squirrely" under hard use which I suspect these are capable of. .......................................................................................................... ................................****My variable rate 12 inch springs & KYB strut cartridges for 2 inch sectioned struts. The longer stroke strut cartridges with shorter tubes are VW Rabbit and the shorter stroke strut cartridges and the longer tubes are 280 Z fronts.....should use VW Rabbit struts for front and rear because they have a longer stroke. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/detail?.dir=8223&.dnm=fadd.jpg&.src=ph
  16. I agree with Moby's comments based upon his personal experience.. You can get yourself in a world of trouble fast with what used to be social disputes. People that at one time would have been tarred and feathered and ran out of town for their behavior now seek the court's protection. .......................................................................................................... ..................................................................... Mat.. in my situation ... I have to be very careful with whom I associate with or in contact with. I stay at home and mind my business because there are certain people who will take advantage of my situation with some form of low grade extortion
  17. Oregon has a stalking law where you can get a restraining order. Texas may have a similar legal system where you can go to your local court house and file a complaint for free and then a hearing is held to determine if a stalking order is to be issued......................................................................Warning the following is not for the faint-harded or gentle of soul going thru life with rose colered glasses ....Now here is a story just how fu***ed up and absurd things can becime thru legal means...............I have a rental next door to me where the welfare witch quit paying rent. I could not successfully evict her except thru a restraining order that I obtained. A deputy sheriff came and gave her and boyfriend 20 minutes to gather up their junk and vacate the premises.LOL that was fun to see from my living room. After I evicted her via a restraining order thru the Sheriff's Dept. , she filed a stalking order on me hoping the judge would evict me from my home and allow her to return to the rental next door and live free..without any further interference from me. I was hauled into court and and for reasons and just cause (without ever phsically leaving my property)... I was determined to be a stalker and have a permanent stalking order on me for her and four members of her extended low life family..The judge would not allow me to answer or testify to defend myself because I am an ex-con and male.. My alternative now is to file a judicial complaint with good showing against the judge for a diasability which could eventually require him to undergo a physical or mental exam for medical reasons (diabetes type two and hypertension) and file another lawsuit on her for misuse of a legal proceeding. I already have a civil judment against her for $269,000.00 that will require divine intervention to collect. Actually I feel like one bad *** dude whose been tagged with a stalking order to strike fear into the hearts of orphans and widows. Yeah I threw a temper tantrum when one of their visitors drove their 4 wheeler over my rose bushes and created a mud hole in my yard. I admit.... I called out her current lover 20 years my junior for a round of fisticuffs and humiliated him.......without landing a punch. LOL ...You would think I was stalking some movie star in Hollywood. I swear that I just got out of the reclining chair a couple of times to right some wrongs outside in my drive way.............keep good records and be careful **** happens and gets out of hand rapidly....... but at the Courthouse I am one bad *** dude and got the documents to prove it. My only regret,I just wish the welfare witch's name was Jodie Foster and the I could sell my story to the National Inquirer and get a prime spot on Jerry Springer and recieve counseling from Dr. Phil
  18. Vinh...if your other parts can take 500 degrees in an oven .....get yourself a HB powder coater when on sale. I am looking for an oven now. Due to it's parts the diff (unless totally disasembled) cannot be coated but the aluminum diff cover could be polished and buffed. I plan to powder coat some of my suspension parts in "chrome" finish...my project ...check iut the vice grip bead roller I made out the bottom of the photos..............http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/album?.dir=8223&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//photos.yahoo.com/ph//my_photos
  19. I saw an L 20 B in a Z years ago and assumed it was a sraight bolt in . You may need to swap to the Z motor mounts. As you know the L head 4 cylinders are just two cylinders short of an L6. I have a 78 pick-up with the 2000 CC L20B but it gets less milege than a L 6 Zee. The pick-up has lower gearing arpund 4.10 to 1 as opposed to the Z's 3.54 to 1... with a 5 speed you could probably get 25mpg. I had a 77 pick-up with 5 speed that got 25-28 mpg but that was exceptional then about every old 620 averaged 20 mpg. my 620 http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/detail?.dir=392a&.dnm=3968.jpg&.src=ph http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/detail?.dir=392a&.dnm=df6c.jpg&.src=ph
  20. Welcome.............Hang in there....a Z dream is a good past time and keeps a mind active...my dream http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/album?.dir=8223&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//photos.yahoo.com/ph//my_photos
  21. Check the post on the 400 rebuild sites...about any problem with a 400 block can be overcome.... $200.00 or less would be a good price on a rebuilable block.... call some engine rebuilders and ask what they would be willing to pay for a rebuildable long block. these blocks are in short supply and in demand
  22. Rather ironic.....Datsun started out borrowing mechanical design from British auto makers. Years ago, I had a 62 MG Midget and a 66 Datsun and the similarities were not coincidental. The Japanese autos in about 20 years from 1950 to 1970 had completely surpassed the British automakers. Just about anything would be an improvement to an MGB.......... my biased opinion my MG http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/detail?.dir=392a&.dnm=f8fe.jpg&.src=ph
  23. sorry fellows.. this paint crap just struck a nerve....and I needed to rant... I got my flu shot and swore off duck blood soup. When it comes time to paint the GTO project .... I will apply for a federal loan and ship it to China get it done in Mandarian Red
  24. looks like the front fenders came from my 'black pearl" http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/larryjohnson97438/detail?.dir=392a&.dnm=5fca.jpg&.src=ph
  25. last time I drove my Z.....I was pulled back home with a 10 foot tow chain and the old 620 1978 Datsun Pick-up... Lap dance hell... all you need to do is get in ol' Blue and comandeer a tow job around the block
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