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Everything posted by woldson

  1. Yep!^^ I try not to use my e-brake due to a lock up of the slowly spinning out pistion on the rear breaks. If I ever have to replace the rear calipers I will get life time due to the poor design. The e-brake dose not even work that well. As for the warning, the sensors have a tendency to fail. Take the warning seriously though untill you have made a proper assessment of the situation. Eventally I will see if I can "upgrade the rear calipers".
  2. Should be alot higher, like 14v, running. Check all connections before alternator change out. The belt is running the alt? Had to ask.
  3. Ahhh the nice soft humm of the grind must be very consoleing! I wish one of the admins lived in liberty lake. I could give two fibers dircetly to your home. Ohh well. Iam still waiting for an oppertunity to offer somthing.
  4. Don't double post. As for as your problem it sounds like a fuel diliver problem. Insatll a fuel pressure gauge. Change out fuel filter and pump. Carefully inspect the crud that might be in the lines.
  5. Water pump. I once had a pump where the vains that are pressed on, started to spin freely. Easy test remove thremostat and run it, frist.
  6. I work hard every day, personally I perfer to have the horses do the work and yes I beat them hard!! I alway consider that if I only had a desk job I would need to have a physical "out". P.S. Massive arobic activity is hard on the body, joints only last so long. If you don't believe me ask the booming baby boomer generation's people, the joint replacement industry is boooooooooming!
  7. ^^Yes I know that but.... with out been qulifed, cutting the tag to pull the meter will get A LOT of unwanted attention. I have a few powerfull friends in Avista(power company) but I only call in favors, such as, when I get approval on putting power from over head to underground, or swinging the sevice over arieal to the new can location this summer and makeing my sub box into the main breaker panel. The can (meter) will have to be done by a certifed electriction. Got some friends on that one as well. P.S. any pics that will be posted will not be my box................................................... Everything will be certifed upon movement of service. P.S.S. I will finish the extensive repair of my rental soon as well. Got about $1200 into that as well. Some day I will set my target on my ZX but you see that is a luxgery to me and can not justify cost due to 3 young children and a stay at home mom:). Publicly I would like to thank my company SFN for the funds to fix electrical for the home inspection required by refinaceing my home to a 15 yr, 5.5 FIXED loan. Hade the house 9 years on a 30yr 7.5 fixed. DONT MAKE COMMENTS ON THE MORGAGE SITUATION PLEASE JUST TELLING YOU WHY THE WORK IS BEING DONE, NOTHING ELSE!!! Long posts becase of procratination, can any one tell?? Dose not help that the computer is 3ft away from new panel,,,,,,,, back to work! Now going to get back to it.......getting up now.......ok bye now...ok.bye.
  8. Request for tool shed is still grinding away, hee hee. You going to back up data base off site "just in case"? Or is that done already?
  9. Yea I kinda was thinking the pull was bit long for what the hp would be. Steve's 383 with two turbos hit 780, 790 on the dyno a month of go. Had to be done in 2nd because it was just to screay in 3rd. (auto) Wait, I think it was 870 hummm I give him a call later today. One thing for sure, everyone was standing about 15 ft away, and when they did a pull I was taking a few steps back trying to figure out where parts were going to go if it exploded. Dang body of the car rotaded like 30 plus degrees on the doner car.
  10. Well that's some pretty funny stuff! Have 8 circuits wired in, 10 if you include the 100amp input. Its looking good. Did not want to take any pics of before cause of just in case. I'll post some pics after done. It sure takes alot of time doing each circut, have about 15 man hours into this so far including buying parts. Spent $650 so far. I think you should invest in copper instead of gold, HOLY CRAP! 260 at least into the box to box circuit about 45 feet of #1awg and 25 feet of #2awg. I'll make sure of the awg later.
  11. Alaska is natourious for slaping down the bush poilets.
  12. Great idea for speaker placement and console looks fantastic! For a spite second I saw rust repair and could not see pic and thought wood??
  13. Well got everything back up except one of the dryiers. Yes I've got two laundry rooms, don't ask. This is the other side hummm thought it would feel different. Goodnite to you all!!
  14. Now to start putting at least 2 circuits on the new panel cause I needed the space for the sub box and I know that my wife will complain, mabey not now but later,,,
  15. One mild shock against the main coming in. You got to love the ohm value of hard working hands. You see I got a little confident after I finished the 240 and was putting in the neutral. The scary part is putting in the 4th circuit for ground. You see a sub panel needs a neutral and ground to be seperate. I dont know why but it is code. That wire is a bare #8 which is easier but it had to be pulled past the mains !/2 in away. I hate that split bus box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tell my wife what I'am doing and how dangerous it is but I think she has become immune, just wishes that I had life insurence!! I learned to work on cars the same way,,,,, you want what for that??? However after crashing valves and spinning cam berings (honda not called that), I've only saved myself a few bucks. I cant say everything cuse I don't want to get into trouble. It's stupid if you fail, smart if you suceed, this is a very fine line let me tell you!! The new panel is mounted and ready to engergize!! Yea! Dear God, let me be succesfull in life to let the qulified do the work that I don't know how to, before, "I know how to do it all",,,,,,,,,,or die!.................. Except my ZX that is alllll mine, some day.
  16. Wireing in a 100amp circuit to a sub panel that willl eventally be my main breaker box. The damn box that came with the house is a split bus with no way to kill main power over the entrie 2 buses. Geeezzz westing that wire is a pain. Anyhow its been a pleasure if I dont come out on the other side...... I'am procrating.......still, awh crap here goes the tie in.
  17. $#@%&*! who knows but I just realized how it was typed in!!
  18. Hey Gollum, that car must be magic for you! Your posts are getting much larger and athoritative! (this is a good thing) It is becoming harder to follow up after you posted, just can't think of anything to say:). Ummm mabey its cuse you want that pic all over the board?! Just kidding, very nice car!
  19. Wow that is really good! I actually really do like it.
  20. For the pilots here.. From the United Parcel Service: Maintenance Forms... Remember it takes a college degree to fly a plane, but only a high school diploma to fix one. Reassurance for those of us who fly routinely in our jobs. After every flight, UPS pilots fill out a form, called a "gripe sheet," which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics correct the problems, document their repairs on the form, and then pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humor. Here are some actual maintenance complaints submitted by UPS pilots (marked with a P) and the solutions recorded (marked with an S) by maintenance engineers. By the way, UPS is the only major airline that has never, ever, had an accident. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement. S: Almost replaced left inside main tire P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough. S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft! P: Something loose in cockpit S: Something tightened in cockpit P: Dead bugs on windshield. S: Live bugs on back-order. P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground. P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear. S: Evidence removed. P: DME volume unbelievably loud. S: DME volume set to more believable level. P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick. S: That's what friction locks are for. P: IFF inoperative in OFF mode. S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode. P: Suspected crack in windshield. S: Suspect you're right. P: Number 3 engine missing. S: Engine found on right wing after brief search. P: Aircraft handles funny. S: Aircraft warned to: straighten up, fly right, and be serious. P: Target radar hums. S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics. P: Mouse in cockpit. S: Cat installed. (And the best one for last..................) P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer. S: Took hammer away from midget.
  21. Pics? You are fast! pics might help. Dose the tranny spin freely when out? Find any problems while in there? Are you leaving things loose in there for self adjustments?
  22. If you do the exhaust w/headers it will be done for all other upgrades. I always do the harder stuff frist. Ether way it will sound cooler and inspire you to continue. You are right Gollum. The sound though is sooooo satisfieng.
  23. Ive got a 82 zx tank, i'll have to check it out to make sure it is in good condition, it was when I pulled it. Free if you want it.
  24. Yep that baby needs a little TLC. Red and blue, abit patriotic!
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