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Everything posted by thehelix112

  1. Australian.. Ford owner.. Definitely a moron. Dave
  2. gookboi, Its a general statement about patience. As TonyD says, ``from tranqulity comes peach''. I like peaches. I wasn't dissing the AZC product, I'm sure its a great H-arm design; light, strong, shiny etc. But 74_5.0L_Z's paste from Milliken & Milliken here http://forums.hybridz.org/showpost.php?p=843271&postcount=22 I find a pretty convincing argument to the benefits to an A-arm design. Currently to get an A-arm design you can either make it yourself, or join Justin's group-buy. I find it odd that apparently a few people have signed up for the group-buy without maybe realizing the advantages, and the lack of an alternate off-the-shelf product. I'm sure the arms will be great. Dave
  3. Jon, I wasn't just referring to zed cars. Surely there are other makes/models with struts in the rear? Good point about people possibly wanting to keep those under wraps. Gookboi, Fair enough not wanting to wait. Much better to spend money on crap and get it faster. Dave
  4. Interesting. Does anyone have any pics of proper race cars running fabricated rear control arms and strut suspension? I know EMWHYR0HEN has indicated he did his research, which I have no reason to doubt in the slightest, it might just be useful to have a thread with a bunch of examples from elsewhere. Or does the other thread have that... *goes to check* Dve
  5. Trumpet, Yeah, I slouch a lot in my chair, so my head is kinda pointed upwards anyway. Spanning them left-to-right means I have to turn my head a lot, where as making them a square means I can see what I want quickly. Besides, the whole point for me was to be able to see more code, which is long and skinny, that dictated the layout really. Dave
  6. Everytime this comes up its pointed out that variable vaned turbochargers are designed primarily for diesel engines as the vanes have difficulty standing up to the higher EGTs from a petrol engine. Porsche have a variable geometry turbine that apparently cost mucho $ to make reliable, but unless you have one of them (or two) you're probably going to burn out the vanes pretty rapidly? Dave
  7. Cam, Sorry to hear about the woes. Have you considered going Outlaws on the rear? I was planning on Outlaws all round from the member scca (http://www.outlawbrakes.com), until a good deal on wilwood front calipers popped up. I've got the old Integra 4 calipers on JSK hats, and I'd previously bought JSK hats for the rear. So now I need to work out what wilwood calipers to get for the rear, what rotors, and put it all together. It would seem that almost any decent upgrade is going to weigh more on the rear that alu drums? I'm not sure what bracket you need? The stock one that has two small bolts at the lower rear of the strut assembly? Dave
  8. Hey guys, I was wondering, does anyone have any information as to what designates a rotor light duty of heavy duty? Is it just a function of the thickness of the material? Hence, is a light duty rotor going to offer any significant weight savings over a heavy duty one? Thanks, Dave
  9. I believe a 225 on a x8 rim will generally handle better than a 245 anyway. Might be worth including 225s in your search. Dave
  10. Thanks guys. When you say `cap' ktm, do you mean like the rotor cutting into the pad but leaving a lip thats exposed? So there is no (or minimal) safety implications? Thats my main concern. Dave
  11. Guys, So I have scored some decent wilwood calipers from ruggedbert the other night, but I have a question. The rotors that came with them are 12.19" I believe, however the caliper in question (older Integra 4) is supposed to run 12.90" rotors (confirmed that this information: http://www.hotrodheaven.com/store/brakes/wilwood/products/calipers/igtc/mounting.html is correct according to wilwood customer service). I've asked them but they haven't responded: Is it a huge deal to run 12.19" rotors on a caliper and pad designed for 12.90"? The worst I can see happening is the pad will wear in a slightly odd sort of way, with perhaps bits that don't wear at all? Am I missing something? Dave
  12. Thanks Jon. Though, are those ones the same as the S30 threads? Dave
  13. Well at least that rail is less likely to rust? Looks pretty good to my untrained eye. Dave
  14. Just bought some bits for the front brakes from ruggedbert (good bloke). Wilwood Integra-4 GT calipers: Used but appear to be in good condition, missing a bleed nipple on one but not a biggy. JSK hats, and Wilwood 12.19" (~310mm) vented rotors. I also have JSK rear rotor hats. So quite a few things left to buy, but getting there. Still need: Braided lines on all corners Rear discs Rear calipers - will probably go some small wilwoods to keep it all in the family. Pads at all corners - most likely Ferodo DS2500 unless they're stupid expensive over here. Trying to find time to finish the coil overs and suspension. I hope getting the rear control arms will be the stimulus required. Dave
  15. From the album: 280Z Brakes

    Purchase front brakes for the 280Z: Wilwood racing Integra-GT 4 caliper
  16. From the album: 280Z Brakes

    Purchase front brakes for the 280Z: Wilwood racing Integra-GT 4 caliper, JSK hat, wilwood 310mm rotor.
  17. I'd also probably do something about the external wastegate thats pumping extremely hot exhaust gases at the turbine outlet flange, not to mention everywhere in the engine bay, possibly including the air filter. Dave
  18. Wow. I just got to watch the vids with sound (at work). In the vid of the TV coverage the car sounds like nothing else I've ever heard when filmed from the finish line. Thats one helluva screamer, love it! Dave
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