These are great! I had something like this happen to me (of course). It was winter of last year, so I was down in the basement cleaning some parts and not outside, because it was to damn cold. My place to clean the parts were over a Rubbermade storage bin (15 gallons?) that I have been using for a trash can. I pulled out my Advanced Auto brake cleaner and went to town with all the excess dripping into the trash can. About an hour later, a buddy comes by and wants me to weld some stuff up for him. Being that it was still freeking cold out, I used my Lincoln welder downstairs... next to my trash can. As soon as I started welding, I hear a loud WHOOOOPF and feel a good amount of heat on my right side. I pull off my welding helmet to see the inside of my trash can on fire. Not having any water or fire extinguisher nearby, my buddy grabs the flamming trash can and runs up the stairs, throws open the side door, and tosses the container outside where I was able to throw some water on it. Now THAT was a close one. The moral of the story was...