Yeah' date=' I know, I was like a kid opening presents at Christmas . I am not going to rush things, so no date planned. I still need to order my gauges (they are not something you normaly see in a Datsun 8) ) and get my driveshaft made, so it's going to be a while yet. If it doesn't rain this Saturday, the L24 will come out and then all the fun starts. With Scotties x-member and tranny mount, and my Caspers engine harness, this [i']should[/i] go quite easy... but, there is always the stuff you don't count on.
I have been wanting to do this swap for so long now. I kept telling people 2 months, for what seems like forever (probably 3 years). But with health problems and insurance companies screwing me over, my GNZ was put on hold while my life was sorted out. I am so happy that this swap is FINALLY begining!