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Everything posted by Some-Guy

  1. ^^ yea that would be awesome do it cheap rebuilds and such how to rework old parts and that kinda stuff
  2. so ahh you wanna do my interior??? fantastic work man looking great
  3. Your goona power the welder outa your Z ??? haha thats kinda cool
  4. imagine the power you could make in your car replacing the alternator with one of those generators hmm more Actualy I guess stuff would just explode or burn up...
  5. atleast it was functional.
  6. hahah I once painted a rabbit flat black with spray bombs but it actualy looked decent lol, I can say even with my first car I didnt do anything retarded except you know spray bomb it nothing that cheesy hell he could have had a decent Z or muscle car or somethign for what he paid for all that garbage I bet
  7. damn I love those cars.. I would have taken it too!!! for sure its doesnt look at all that bad really
  8. I like everything about it except the rear end I dont know what it is about it but it just looks wrong....I like the spoiler just the rest of the rear is so weird...
  9. hahaha rear motor hidden !! awesome i love that thing i know what iam doing with my rabbit now!
  10. infact I have this strong urge to set this car on fire and give the guy a big slap upside the head this is the lamest thing I think I have ever seen. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/4E821839-EE00-491A-BA96-867786120887.htm
  11. hahaha thats awesome i wish it would have exploded tho
  12. hehe wicked now imagine 2 or 3 alternators on there w00t now your cookin
  13. hehe he wasnt scooped with a shovel they would have shown that and there was no ambulances or anything anywhere when they were towing the car away there would have been cops around if he was KIA
  14. oh man I was eating breakfast when I opened this.... had to put it in the fridge for later...
  15. you didnt pay already did you? if not down worry about it
  16. mmm that datsun rocked the burnouts down the road were pretty crazy!
  17. its hard to tell looks as tho he just broke free he was kind of squirly through the whole thing there then totaly lost it to much car i guess?
  18. oh man that sad to hear I was looking forward to the final product maybe you'll try again sometime! best of luck.
  19. damn that was awesome I love the sound of that car
  20. oh man That sucks so bad I love those cars Damn I shed a tear.... what a fricken waste Iam wondering if hes going to rebuild it or if its going straight to the scrap yard I wonder if insurance will cover something like that?
  21. i hate those blow off valves that you can hear they annoy the hell out of me...atleast the super loud ones
  22. its awesome car i wish had money to do stuff like that
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