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Everything posted by Some-Guy

  1. ouuch that sucks! I woulda been choked lol
  2. that thing is emaculate and 6 grand is actualy pretty cheap
  3. that is fricken cool my wife already said NO though haha
  4. that too funny! awesome hahaha
  5. So I went out today to readjust the car on the jackstands it was starting to slide into the neighbors yard! Our driveway is really slopped and I put one of the jack stands on the pasanger side 'frame' and as I was lowering the car down it basically pushed the damn thing through the floor! so I think this Z just became a parts car... I now have 6 stands under there holding the sob up as Iam goona take the the tires down to work an clean em up and refill them that is if they will even hold air.. this really sucks since we now have to move and the place we found is so perfect for a family except it is without a driveway or anything! no place for a Z I might have to throw in the towel before I even really got a chance to get started! oh well Ill try and get some pics of the under side later today some of ya will have a good laugh at it altho Iam considering now renting a garage or something dunno we'lll see what happens!
  6. this is true to bad Iam slightly broke right now
  7. man oh man theres alota idiots out there ehh the guy that came up with these is going to be rich as hell tho...
  8. this happened to me once too the truck was fine in park you could redline it if you felt the need but as soon as it was under load it would seriously bog down or just flat out DIE turned out the fuel filter was clogged..changed it out and it was fine.. altho we had to get a new tank because there was so much rust and dirt in it that the filter clogged every 45 minutes lol (was a beater anyway)
  9. wow thats a real nice clean looking car man great find yet again iam jelous
  10. ^ great work man your makin good progress love the air horns lol
  11. well when I saw pussy I laughed then I laughed more when I saw X2 lol to each their own nothing wrong with a mild build.. (altho I will go for frame twisting gobs of power) besides I like pretzils
  12. not a fan of the way those look...
  13. *always catching sh!t for being dirty lol and I always leave the cups outside I just forget there out there, ohh she gets mad!!! I was threatned with castration the other day for that (along with finger prints on the fridge and foot prints on the floor) forgot to say I buy the ultra size dawn bottles! and yes I shower with it, works great.......
  14. ^ yea thats for sure still looks good tho..
  15. ahh that works make some kind of jig to set them up over an over or a bending jig and do it with a press...
  16. its damn expensive but it looks really good in out and under the hood
  17. my god I wish so bad that I could find a car like that anywhere up here hell anywhere within 500 milles of here but there just doesnt seam to be any..
  18. I havnt had that problem and Iam using firefox on xp pro...
  19. mmmmmm iam so jelous I think my car is going to become a parts car for a nicer one sometime!
  20. why not just torch out a piece of plate heat it up abit and bend it into that shape then you could just drill out the sixe holes...
  21. my god its ugly but it doesnt look to be all rusted out hell idd buy it an UNPIMP It if it wasnt so far away
  22. wow ther eis some great pics in there looks like fun!
  23. I love the wiring And the seats look damn good great work..
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