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Posts posted by bschiltz

  1. If you don't mind front wheel drive or Fords you may want to check into Escorts, which may be easier to find in the mid west. I have a 92 with the indestructable 1.9 with 150 thousand miles, I paid $500 and maybe another $100 on a timing belt and other misc. parts. I get anywhere from 32-38 mpgs, handles pretty good too.


    Oh, man... I have many good memories from my friend's Escort :D He beat the crap out of that thing and it just kept going!

  2. OK, Normally I wouldn't point out something so far fetched...


    But I gotta... Gunrack in the BACK WINDOW of a ZCAR? :lmao:




    Hmmm... good idea! :lmao:


    I almost got shot at once by a group of mexicans once. Me and three friends were in a 72 beetle(total weight about 800 lbs!) just cruising arround and goofing off. We were on the main street in town when this 80s Buick or Olds starts riding our ass. The guy driving taps his breaks a couple times (taps, not slams) and they turn on there high beams. We just happened to have a 20 million candle power spot light with us so I flash them back. The car slows down so I know I got the guy driving in the eyes. I turn forward and we keep driving when all of a sudden the car comes whiping past us and one of the people throw something at our car. They cut us off and slam on the breaks and STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF TRAFFIC (six lanes!) and one guy jumps out. We go arround them and go as fast as the little beetle would go. A block later we stop at a red light and guess who's behind us? I turn arround and see the same guy who jumped out earlier walking up the side of the car with his hand near his waistband/ pocket. I scream to the guy driving to "Run the ****** light! GO GO GO!" So he revs the poor bug up and takes off. We floor it for three or four more blocks and turn off into residential streets... not just grid pattern, cul de sacs and curving roads and such. We drop back down to 25 and are trying to find a way out when my buddy sees the car whiping arround the corner behind us. We just try and play it cool and keep driving but the car behind us cuts us off and pulls accross the road so we can't pass and five or six mexicans jump out and start running at our car. The guy driving slams it into reverse and floors it backwards for two blocks, all the while the mexicans are still running at us except one who triped because his pants fell down. Once we are at the next street my buddy who is driving slams it in first and takes off. We pull into the parking lot at a hospital that was about five blocks away and turn the car off and everyone ducks down. Ten minutes later we hadn't seen them so we took off home very carefully and stayed in all night. I didn't see that spotlight for a few months.:shock:

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