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Posts posted by bschiltz

  1. the ergonomics are terrible for most people. The shifter/pedals/seating position was apparently designed and OKed by a gorrilla (long arms, short legs).


    They are great cars though and have been on my radar for purchase given the right deal came along.

    Aaah... I see. Looking at the pics again the shifter does look pretty far forward.

  2. Well I bought the two switches I posted above and wired everything up this weekend. I ran the motor for 5-10 minutes (open headers, my neighbors love me :lmao: ) and the low speed triggered just fine. I didn't get it hot enough to trigger the high speed switch, but I did check to make sure it worked. I took the lead from the high speed and touched it to the post on the low speed switch which should throw the aux relay shutting off the low speed and opening the high, which it did. I'll get pics in a while.

  3. "An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog"


    '"It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big."'


    " Jamison, who killed his first deer at age 5"


    " who just finished the sixth grade on the honor roll at Christian Heritage Academy"



  4. According to my Haynes manual, the VIN doesn't match the 280ZX format of XXXXS130XXXXXXX, where every X stands for a specific option on the car. Note that some X's could be blank or 2 letters, depending on the option.


    Yeah, that VIN's not right...


    I'm still not sure what we're supposed to be looking for, besides the ridiculous price.

  5. Hmmm... Well I guess that makes sense. Both the wires go to the same place because they drive the same motor. One is just routed through a higher amp circuit, which gives the fan the high speed. I guess it's like you could take the interstate or a two lane highway. They both go to the same place, but one can carry more cars.


    Edit: I just wanted to say I didn't want to sound patronizing, it wasn't intended.

  6. Woah. Those switches can't handle the amperages of the fan. You need a relay circuit that will turn the fans off and on. And they need to control the two speeds exclusively. Meaning when the higher temp switch sends the signal to the high speed relay, you need to make sure the low speed relay is turned off, so that the low speed wire to the fan is not sending current to the low speed winding in the fan motor. That's what this thread is all about. Make sure you go back and read about the circuits for this.


    You mean don't use only the switches to control the fan, right? I think that's what 280zwitha383 was talking about. I was thinking using those switches to trigger the relays like Larry's setup, just replacing the switch from the ford tempo and the adjustable one. That would work, correct?

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