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Everything posted by datsun40146

  1. The 1st thing I thought was "What, they just copied an AUDI's front end" Once I looked at the rest of the car it went OK but that front end need a bit of work. IMO but its better than the last concept. Mabye a blending of the two?
  2. Hi guys I just downloaded alot of war genre songs from youtube to burn to a cd. Anyway I can't decide what order to put them in so that the cd flows can you guys help me out? Here are the songs I picked, some are obscure you may have to look them up on youtube to know what they are. Masters of War - Bob Dylan 8th Of November - Big & Rich Still in Saigon - Charlie Daniels Copperhead Road - Steve Earle I was only 19 - Redgum Paint it Black - Rolling Stones Civil War - Guns N'Roses War Pigs - Black Sabbath Eve of Destruction - Barry McGuire I Ain't Marching Anymore - PHIL OCHS Where have all the Flowers Gone- Peter,Paul and Mary and KT Band Played Waltzing Matilda - Liam Clancy Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation - TOM PAXTON Sam Stone - John Prine Riding with pvt malone - david bell Unknown solider - Doors Ride of the valkyries Private wilson white - marty robbins Sgt Barry sadler - The green beret Marty Robbins - Ballad of the Alamo Ohio, Neil Young Creedence Clearwater Revival - "Fortunate Son" The Trashmen - "Surfin' Bird" Universal Solider- Donovan Run through the jungle", by Creedence Clearwater Revival Abraham, Martin and John Metallica- One The Animals - Sky Pilot Taps Amazing Grace (bag pipes) All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
  3. Like I said before I have done 3 dashes this way, while they would not pass for NOS they do look great. I did mine over a year ago and its still looks great. Try it for yourself before knocking is all I'm saying.
  4. Wanted a black Nissan 350z with black interior. Automatic or Manual either is acceptable. Track edition is preferred however other packages will also be considered. I will pay no more that 15,500 USD, mileage must be under 90K and in the Louisiana area . Responses can be sent to jlrich7@uky.edu. Thanks
  5. so your saying I didn't get as good a deal as I think I did?
  6. This guy is builing it from scratch for me, no labor charge, no virus. He is also taking my current harddrive and swapping over all my programs for free, I just have to ship him my harddrive. He's hard coding in a dedicated 512 mb of my ram to the video card so that it wont have to ask for it, as it is a hybrid card. He's also going to overclock the computer for me so it will still be covered by his 2 year everything waunetee.
  7. thats comes with a SOLID 2 year everything warentee.
  8. 250gb Barracuda 7200rpm w/ 32 megs RAM Memory – corsair 2 Gb pc 8500 @ 1066 megahertz speed (high end) DVD burned/ and CD r-w Ge-force 8200 hybrid SLI Hybrid chip up to 512 Mb ram voltage steppin up to 600watts (high end) Mid-range-gaming rig
  9. I decided that if I was going to spend 350 for a par to sub-par system that would be REALLY outdated in another year, that I should just spend 600 and buy a quality new system. This is what I bought. I am good buds with the guy who built it so I got it at cost. http://pcdocofwestpoint.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=54&category_id=9&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26 Let me know what you think, I haven't decided on what case color I want yet.
  10. This just in, I spoke with my tech buddy. He recommended this card, thoughts? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3048552&Sku=P450-8650
  11. BTW thanks I worked hard on that avatar. Oh and I have heard nothing but good things about the brand psu I picked out.
  12. I don't have that kind of cash right now, I'm just looking to upgrade enough to get me by for another year or two. I posted the wrong RAM link BTW http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231047 I will be buying the psu, the new ram, and the processor with-in the hour. I need need a recomendation on the video card. I know the 2.4 processor I'm putting in isn't the newest or the best but its 40 bucks and socket 939 is hard to find parts for anymore. I know to be the most bang for the buck I should upgrade the motehr borad and start from scratch but hey the name of the game here is CHEAP. All of these parts shipped to my door shouldn't be over 400.00 and should net a reasonably quick machine. I have 3 questions. 1. recomend a video card 100 budget. I have one PCI express lot and 3 total PCI slots, 2 open. 2. when I install the new cpu I won't lose my windows or anything right? at most i'll have to update my bios and change some settings in it right? I want to make sure that I am not going to lose anything during this upgrade. 3. Are we sure that the psu I picked out will work?
  13. Hi guys it is time for me to upgrade my OLD and SLOW compaq. Here are the exact specs on the computer. This is what I plan to but from new-egg.com http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150247 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139004 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231047 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103037 I wanted to make sure all these parts would work with my PC before i pulled the triggers and spent 300 bucks. Let me know guys. Product number ED865AA Introduction date 18-Aug-2005 Country/region sold in United States Canada Hardware Base processor Sempron 3200+ 1.8 GHz: 1600 MT/s (Mega Transfers/second) Socket 939 Chipset ATI Radeon XPress 200 Motherboard Manufacturer: MSI Motherboard Name: MS-7184 HP/Compaq motherboard name: AmethystM-GL6E Memory Component Attributes Memory Installed256 MB (1 x 256)Maximum allowed4 GB* (4 x 1 GB) requires the replacement of the installed 256 MB DIMM *Actual available memory may be lessSpeed supportedPC3200 MB/secType184 pin, DDR SDRAMDIMM slotsFourOpen DIMM slotsThree Hard drive 80 GB 7200 rpm CD-RW/DVD combo drive 48X/32X/48X/16X Type Attributes CD write48XCD rewrite32XCD read48XDVD read16X Modem PCI K56flex data/fax modem Video graphics Integrated graphics Sound/audio Controller: AC97 audio Location: Integrated Network (LAN) Integrated 10/100 Base-T networking interface Memory card reader USB interface Supports the following cards: Compact Flash I Compact Flash II SmartMedia Memory Stick Memory Stick Pro MultiMediaCard Secure Digital (SD) Micro Drive XD Picture Card (xD = extreme digital) External I/O ports I/O ports on the front panel Port type Quantity 9-in-1 (4 slot) + 1 USBOneIEEE 1394One USB (2.0)TwoHeadphoneOne Line-inOne MicrophoneOne I/O ports on the back panel Port type Quantity PS/2 (keyboard, mouse)Two (one each)VGA (monitor)One ParallelOne USB (2.0)FourIEEE 1394OneLANOne AudioOne each (line-in, line-out, microphone) Expansion slots Slot type Quantity PCIThree (two available) PCI ExpressOne (available)DIMMFour (three available) Drive bays Bay type Quantity 5.25-inch, externalTwo (one available)3.5-inch, externalTwo (one available)3.5-inch, internalOne (occupied) Keyboard and mouse Compaq PS/2 keyboard Compaq PS/2 scroller mouse Software NOTE: HP provides basic support for software that comes with the computer. For in-depth feature assistance, refer to the help section in the software or on the software vendor's Web site. Key to software: cd/dvd = media included in box fc = only available in French Canada nfc = not available in French Canada
  14. Hey Phil I will be down in Monroe La all summer. We HAVE to hook up at some point. I'm only like 2 hours from you right?
  15. I can't remeber if I posted here so here I go. I'm the one on the far left, dad is to my right, his uncle oscar WWII vet in the middle and my two brothers on the end. What? I like air hockey! Fieance and I about to go to a ball
  16. Here Here! I know one guy I won't be buying anything from...
  17. I hit the wall avoiding traffic as I drove on the wrong side of the road. Here is the complete story. I was looking at this car I checked the car out, it was nice, but he was asking a bit much IMO. I think it was worth about 1500-2000. Anyway I was leaving and was heading down river road in cincinantti. I have never driven there and that city is as confusing as it gets to drive in. Anyway I had my Garmin GPS on and it informed me to keep left on the river road and to exit to get back to Ky. The road hadn't been paved recently and one bit really had no lines. Anyway that was the bit that garmin told me to keep left on. So I kept left when the road split, and I ending up in the north bound lane, while I was headed south. I dodged a car, locked up the front brakes, the car darted as I tried to make a quick U-turn and my front end meet a concrete divider wall. I backed out, finished my U- turn and pulled into a near by parking lot. Thats about it. The lines were faded to a point of non existance, no one way signs, and there was no traffic to let me know. No one way signs, just garmin saying keep left. I did that and you see what happened. Well thats my story.
  18. Wrecked my car tonight while I was up in Ohio. I hit a concrete wall at about 40+ or so.What do you guys think it will take to fix it? Any ideas on damage that could be underneath? Here are the shots, BTW if anyone has the following parts IM me, I need them. Painted black preferably, all parts for a 99.5 Mk4 Golf. 1.Golf mk4 hood 2.Drivers fender 3.Bumper Cover 4.Inner wheel liners on both sides. 5.belly pan for a 2.0 (plastic) 6.Grill 7.Hood latch mechinism My leg snapped off my wiper switch and there fore my wipers are stuck on med. high lol. I need this part bad, if anyone has a wiper stalk IM me. I'm i'm just in case you guys care, no bumps, cuts or anthing, not even sore. I'm thinking about 1000 bucks in parts and paint. There is a company on ebay called D&H autoparts that sell vw body parts and will paint them. The parts I need will run 996 painted and shipped to my door. Thats just the body panels though.
  19. Awh I liked those wheels on your car, what are you swapping to?
  20. Exactly ME! Mining Engineers unite! I'm down at UK, taking statcis, clac, physics, you know the drill.
  21. Here you go 4 doors, MT, sporty looking, 2 liter motor, You could get the car for 5K easy. http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=3793643
  22. 1.You can get a golf in four doors 2.The toyota echo is not a hybrid that Im aware of. 3.The protege is not that bad of a car really, look up the sport model. 4.The hyundai sonanta is a large car and pulls down 24 city and 34 hwy with the manual trans 5.You could always srping for the mazda3
  23. You need to be looking for a 1. vw golf gasser with the 2.0. You do not want the electric windows they are broken all the time. Look for a base model with a five speed. 2. A toyota echo ugly as sin but gets good mileage and would be cheap on all accounts 3. a nissan 200sx a sporty little 2 door that gets about 34 on the hwy, these can be had for about 3K or less. 4.Mazde protege these are fun little sedans, they will return 30+ mpg and be somewhat sporty. 5.If you want a domestic a cobalt wouldn't be horrible but I would be rid of it beofre 50,000 miles.
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