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Everything posted by datsun40146

  1. I'm sorry but I do NOT like that front end, rear or side profile. Its too jagged. Make it flow better, fix that that front chin area, give it some hips and then we can talk. I mean if I saw that car on the street I wouldn't think "oh thats a Z". Of couse I don't say that about the 350 either, but thats a different story.
  2. I bought that same clucth, I have a stock L28 for the most part and it holds up just fine. I wouldn't expect it to hold much over stock levels however, its a good replacment OEM style clutch no more no less.
  3. Shoot me some pictures, I'm looking for a new DD for my DD before he goes over seas again. email is jlrich7@uky.edu
  4. Got it Thanks guys you were a world of help!
  5. Oh that's who you meant I didn't know him as clyde.BTW thanks for the great coach. Would you like tubby? I'm sure he move there lol. Well to answer your tip, our professor would like us not use arrays. Howver we can use loops and just about anything else beside arrays.
  6. The problem I'm having is just that reading it in from the txt file. I can't use the getline function I don't think, so I'm stuck. Clyde's at UK? If so then we have to meet up.
  7. I have an assignment to complete and I'm stuck on part of the code. The assignment is in C++ and were are to take a set of numbers from a txt file example below, and place them in a csv file. The csv file is supposed to have an average of the numbers, and tell the user if the average was outside a range given by the user. I can't figure this one out can any help me out? example of txt file http://www.cs.uky.edu/~ryan/CS221_S08/labs/scores1.txt example of output file http://www.cs.uky.edu/~ryan/CS221_S08/labs/scores1.csv I thought I would ask, I think there are a few programmers here.
  8. Here is the same motor once in a diagram and once in the car.
  9. This shows exactly how to remove the springs, shocks and housing on a 240-280z. It is a great DIY. http://www.biopatent.com/struts.html
  10. I would say no to drilling it yourself. If you've ever replaced a ball joint you'll know what I'm talking about when I say use a castle nut. Look it up on google.Here is a link. Is this what your talking about? http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.mustangandfords.com/projectbuild/mufp_0612_03z%2Bfactory_five_roadster%2Blower_ball_joint_castle_nut.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mustangandfords.com/projectbuild/mufp_0612_factory_five_cobra_roadster_part_7/photo_04.html&h=480&w=640&sz=59&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=xCyyYnWGdQZ3zM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcastle%2Bnut%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN
  11. You mean like a carter pin right? They might make them but I bet ther made for a farm application more so that a "looks good" car application. BTW did you ever get you car lined out for the movie shoot?
  12. I am changing my vote, I had thought and still think that the new spoiler looks better, but only from the front or from a forward angle. The new pictures you posted of the rear of the car sheds new light on how this new tail looks and I must say the old one was better when viewed from the rear IMO.
  13. I own a 77' 280z and there and I can say this with 100 precent confedence that there is a little star wheel in the brake drum. My question to you is this, do you have the parking brake applied? If not my next advice for you is to pull the tire, crawl unde rthe car w/ a flashlight and lookinto that little hole. Also a screwdriver isn't the best tool. They make a drum adjustment tool that shaped like an S screwdriver.
  14. I think he tried to his springs while they were still on the car, and then they moved or something it gets fuzzy from there on. What he needs to know is how to drop the strut assembly.
  15. ditto, I also like to new smaller rear end.
  16. bump for more info, and new insight based on the wind tunnel tests.
  17. Now thats interesting...but not stock.
  18. any idea what either one of them was after?
  19. yeah its a joke, do you think a "dingle arm" is real?
  20. I kinda thought the car was going to backfire on his leg and engulf his leg or somthing, what happened was much more tame thank goodness.
  21. My bet, is that it's the afm. This is just a guess but I had a very similar problem. There is a strip of metal that when contact is made or broken I can't remeber which, that fuel is cut. Its called the "angel" switch, its there so that in the case of an accident the fuel pump will shut off and not flood the crash site with gas. Here is what I think you should try. 1st. Check and double check your AFM connections for frayed wires or shorts. 2nd. If that checks out, then run a hot wire from your fuel pump to your battery so it cannot shut off. This IS NOT SAFE! I only want you to do this to see if it is a fuel pump power related problem. 3rd. If 2nd is ture that pop off your afm cover and bend back the tab of metal just a bit, so that it breaks contact as soon as the afm flap is moved. Give those a shot and get back to me.
  22. The frist thing I though when I saw the title was "man he broke that tranmisson already?" At least the flywheel didn't comeapart and leave you with more damage than it did. Sorry to have this happen to you, but I'm sure you'll have it up and running in no time. I dunno what I was thinking, I thought you were RB26 J.solxxxxx guy who sawpped in that RB26DETT, thats why my comment is a bit funny...
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