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Everything posted by SkYBlue280Z

  1. Yes every Friday and Saturday (depending on weather) sometimes hundreds of cars meet at the Kent Chevron and AMPM. Though if your caught racing you get a huge ticket, they even made it a law now that its illegal to even watch the kent street races. A couple months back the police blocked in like 80 cars and gave EVERYONE tickets, some even got arrested and their cars towed away for good. I mean... Its not a HUGE as it was because the cops crack down, but its still fun. I havnt been ina while but id like to go back one of these nicer weekends and just check it out, its more of a public import car show haha. =]
  2. I make all sorts of videos and we decided to go down to Kent and film some of those infamous street races! And ill tell ya, it was a trip! And for our videos in General http://www.youtube.com/tricofilms
  3. Here's Mine, and ya I agree with the 240Z bumper, I want the chrome one but there like impossible to find...
  4. Very cool Yes sir I have cash! I cant get them tonight because I have class at the university at 5:45-7:50 unless you want me to come over tonight haha but your probably busy. I don't have class tomorrow so I can drop by then too you would just have to give me a time. =] Thanks
  5. Ya and if you have questions about this you could just give Oliver a call, im sure he will tell ya everything about them. There on my car and they look great.
  6. It seems that the front springs are a tad bit shorter then the back - in other words theres more of a gap on the back. Maybe they still need to break in. =]
  7. I got my Eibach springs installed today by Zspecialties here in WA man they make my car look and preform 100% better! If it wasn't so shitty out id take pics, maybe ill do tomorrow haha.
  8. with the money u spent on that minivan you could of bought a fairly new Tahoe or Denali and could of pulled it with ease. =]
  9. Hey man great looking car, though Im not a huge fan of your space ship spoiler haha but thats just me. Nice car!!!!
  10. Hello all, I'm dropping my 280Z off to get the Eibach lowering springs today. Hopefully ill put picks on tomorrow with them on. I think there only going to lower it like an inch from stock which is good I think, anything is better then stock height I couldn't find any pics with s30's with the eibach springs on, can anyone post pics if they have them on there car? Thanks!! /Dylan http://www.tricofilms.com
  11. Im going to buy some 240z bumpers off ebay =] Nice Ride Phil /Dylan
  12. Damn! Im serious on buying one of these for my 280Z. Im researching the seller asking him questions just to make sure he produces more. =]
  13. only the Devil Z off Wangan Midnight has that kind of power =]
  14. alright thanks for the help ill post pix of my car when its done
  15. thanks for that link and yes I took some pictures of them.
  16. I dont know if anyones ever covered this before but... I bought a pair of COSMO 280z lowering coilovers. So I put the car on a jack and took off the wheels, now how do I bring down the original spring set up so that I can put these new ones on. Can anyone help me with this? thanks
  17. those look sick... I bought a pair of the sportmax 002's (16x8) for my 280z, i just need to buy some good tires to wrap them with... =P
  18. what type of oil do I put in my 1978 280z? is 2010 best for the engine? Its completely stock thanks
  19. I dont think they will ever bring back the S30 look... to bad.
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