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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. ha ha ha ....one more: Has anyone ever put a SBC in a Z....how much does it cost.....
  2. Doctors are for girls!! Just wipe it off with some gasoline, wrap a shop rag around it, and secure it with some duct tape (or electrical tape in a pinch--pun intended ).......get outside and finish the job!!
  3. What Blazer (year and model)..... It is likely a very good deal.
  4. If someone called you on the phone and asked you for that info, would you give it out? I find it quite baffling how secure folks feel on the 'net. Not 'digging' at you DL.....there has been so much in the media lately about phishing....watchout!! I am still very uncomfortable putting in my CC info into a secure ordering site.....I pucker something fierce! glad you didn't go all the way through!!
  5. You could, but it is illegal, and environmentally irresponsible...your call
  6. Just take the belt off. You don't have to disconnect the wire if you don't want to. If the unit is still charged with refrigerant, take it in and get it drained, then remove the AC pump completely. Those things weigh a ton, and taking it off will help by removing all that weight over your front wheels.
  7. Mike, If you build it, they will come.......
  8. No problem....that's why I let you know instead of just deleting
  9. Please list this stuff in the classifieds section.
  10. All the info is in the very first post of that thread in the Vendor forum.
  11. Larry, Got your order. Thanks!! Only one left!! Tim
  12. 2 left (Sparks280zt I got you payment, thanks)
  13. Black and Stone: (I'll post pics of the Shirts as soon as I get them): BTW: There are no Spares, or extras.
  14. Paul, Per my tracking sheet, you ordered 2 of the original decals at the $7 price. You are tagged to receive 2 transfers (along with the other items you ordered). Tim
  15. Just a FYI guys....RCNSC is no longer a member here. Banned for being a bad boy, so don't expect any responses from him
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