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Everything posted by Austin240Z

  1. yeah, it was a little hard to fit. I work at a parts store and I had about 4 mufflers i was trying to get up in there, and the glasspack was the only one that would fit in the stock location. After I finish building my second engine and i get a decent header, then I'll probably move it, but it's staying there for now. *Edit*A guy I work with supposedly has a set of the tripple webbers in his dad's shop from way back in the day when his dad and his brothers were big into Zs. So hopefully I can get a hold of them. If I do, I'm probably gonna experiment with a few different mufflers and see which one is best preformance wise.. not to mention which one sounds the best.
  2. yeah, brakes too, just re-did Clutch Master, Clutch Slave, and a stainless steel line, next step is brakes. I have a video with NO muffler, but havent made a video with the glasspack on yet... Here's the 240z with no muffler: The car's real rough, the video doesnt do justice to how loud it really is.. Yeah, there's trash in the car, it's almost all parts and part boxes. I'll take a vid of the car with the glasspack as soon as I can and upload it.
  3. Thrush Glasspack, actually sounds pretty good and doesnt look half bad. Questions? Comments?
  4. Ebay has one or two every couple of weeks
  5. Well it drove me nuts for almost a month, and I had replaced a number of other things, such as the starter switch in the back of the ignition, but nothing worked... I ran into another fellow who had a 240 and he told me he had the same problem, and that all it was, was a shorted coil. So I wanted to make sure if anyone else had this problem it wouldnt take them a month to figure it out like it took me
  6. I know I'm bumping an ooooold thread, but i fixed the problem a while back, turned out it was just a shorted coil. It was getting enough power while the starter was cranking (draws more amps) but as soon as the starter kicked off, there wasnt enough amperage to overpower the short. Simple fix, replaced the coil
  7. yeah, I saw it the other day, I didnt like the white either... and it's a little too orange for my taste. I still want to go with the stripes though, I know they've been done before, but they're still pretty uncomon and i love how it looks
  8. What parts can you suggest for the L24? I plan to keep the car for a loooong time, I'm probably going to be driving it occasionally at first, then driving it more frequently as I get the original engine working reliably again... After the original engine is running well, and I have a chance to replace all the bushings with polyurothane and replace any damaged suspension parts, I'll probably be taking it autocrossing on occasion trying to get a feel for the car. In the mean time, I have a second engine I can be building up. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about engine preformance so I can make good decisions on what kind of engine work to do, but at the moment, i still dont know very much. Thanks again for your earlier input, I would definately appreciate any more suggestions or info you would like to share with me!
  9. thanks for the info guys, yeah, i figured that 250whp was probably out of the question without either a L28ET, V8, or a lot of head work. The only reason I havent pursued the L28 turbo swap is because I have the stock L24 in it now, and i just got another L24 plus a second trans for $140. The L24 I just got has been cross bored, crank has been polished, has a brand new cam, SU carbs were rebuilt 1k miles ago... all it needs is new rockers and an oil pan. my car is having some really bad electrical problems right now, so i need to test a lot of stuff and i have a feeling i may have to just re-wire everything having to do with the ignition.... so I wanted to look at some good upgrades for the ignition system since I'm gonna have to go through and mess with it. I plan to do some other upgrades later, just not sure what all to do to get the best results from the L24, I know I want to stay with the SU carbs. I will probably be getting a preformance cam at some point, but i dont know much about cams at this point, and I'm not really sure what else to do yet. If i start having problems with the L24's, or if i decide that i want more power than I can get out of the L24, I do have some L28ET's staked out, so I may eventually pick one up. I've been taking classes at a community college, trying to learn as much as I can.. I understand a lot of the mechanical stuff, how the valvetrain works, etc... but the electrical systems, ignition specifically, i dont really know much about... So are there any cons to the XR 3000 or the Crane PS-91?
  10. I'm kinda new to messing with cars, I have kinda a good Idea of what I'm doing, but still not really sure. I have a 240Z with a pretty much stock L24, I want a storng reliable engine with decent power(200-250hp) first thing I'm going to work on is the ignition system. Here's what I want to do: XR 3000 Electronic Ignition Crane PS-91 High preformance Coil And, the European 240Z Distributor Comments? Pros and cons? Better suggestions? Any help is appreciated.
  11. still cant figure it out, it's begining to get annoying... well, I cant really drive it anywhere right now anyway, so atleast i dont have to rush getting it fixed... anyone else have any ideas?
  12. I may have to go buy that then! beleive me, i know the feeling... I dont have a lot of cash, and i have to fix the car before i can paint it.... My rear left drum is locked up solid and I cant get it to come off and on top of that my engine has decided it wont stay on... But I am definately gonna paint it like that as soon as I get it all fixed up, it'll be a few months, but it's gonna look awesome
  13. Its a Revell Model kit It comes with those stripes, but I loved how it looked on the box and decided I wanted to do that on my car, or at the very least a variation of that... I may put "DEMON" in place of Datsun on the hood, since I went to go buy my Z on 06/06/06. I've been calling it the "Demon Z" since I got it
  14. I'd rather it was paint, i dont trust vinyl to last very long here's the side
  15. I've got some engine ad brake work to do, but when I get a chance, this is how I'm gonna paint up my Z
  16. the ignition is partially dismantled, it has been working fine that way since i got it.... I realised after i made this thread that it had rained the other day and it's probably a short somewhere in the ignition system after the starter
  17. hey, I've got a '72 240Z, it doesnt drive yet, brake problems... but it was running fine till today. It starts and runs, but ONLY while the starter is going... the second you let the key go into the regular ON postition it dies any help would be greatly appriciated, I want to get this car rolling
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